Evo nodes aka High Performance nodes https://www.dash.org/hpmn-faq/ are Masternodes that will be required to run Platform services in v20 onwards, slated for release in December 2023*. This node type requires the collateralisation of 4000 Dash. During v19 the network will be in a transitory period where an Evo node can be registered, but is not yet required to run the full gamut of platform services. During v19, the Evo node will be paid 4 blocks in a row and get four votes with each vote of the node. Post v20 the payments will change, where the node is paid once each cycle same as a regular masternode and then collects about 3/4 of its rewards from Platform once every 18 days. The advantage of running an Evo node now, during the v19 period is you signal your intent to run platform services when v20 is released and you get to host 1 node on one server instead of 4 as with 4 regular nodes, which saves you hosting fees and your time.
This guide will get you up and running an Evo node with no fuss as quick as possible!
Step 1. Send the collateral
Similar to regular masternodes, you need to send 4000 Dash in one transaction to an address you control, ideally in your Trezor hardware wallet. Once done, use the site https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/ to note the transaction hash and the index of the 4000 Dash outpoint. Alternatively, if you are using the core wallet, issue the command masternode outputs to find this same information.
Step 2. Generate new keys
In the core wallet, open the console and issue bls generate to create your BLS key pair and copy this to notepad for later. Use the Receive tab to name the address, and create the next 4 addresses for the following keys.
Step 3. Funding the protx
In your core wallet, send 800 Duffs only to the address you labelled as 'Funding' this will be used to pay the transaction fee of the protx command.
Step 4. Generate the NodeID
The NodeID is a random string of 20 hex numbers that serves as a placeholder for now until in v20 when we change it with the actual nodeID we get when we install Platform using Dashmate or other. To generate the string issue the command below on any bash terminal, eg in Linux, MAC, or on the VPS.
Record on your notepad this NodeID.
Step 5. Configure the VPS server.
Ideally use the Dash Mastenode Zeus to configure the server with no fuss and no delay. https://www.dash.org/forum/index.php?threads/dash-masternode-zeus-replacement-for-dashman.51618/ When prompted be sure to enter your BLS secret key that you generated earlier! During this step also record the IP address of the server in notepad.
Step 6. Create the protx invocation
The protx command you will need is protx register_prepare_hpmn
Drop the above into the Dash wallet console and what comes back you need to copy out and sign with the address in your Trezor, or sign with the address in the core wallet if your funds are there, eg signmessage <collat address> <text> Once this is done, in the core wallet, you can submit the protx, eg, protx register_submit <TX> <Sig>
By this stage you are essentially done! Once the VPS is completely synced your node will be providing service to the network and running correctly.
V20 upgrade
Once v20 arrives, your upgrade path will be to reinstall the dashd and all Platform services on the VPS using Dashmate or some other tool and then issue a protx update_service_hpmn .... which will allow you set the correct nodeID and change the IP in case you need to move to a more powerful VPS. We estimate the requirements on the VPS to be about 2x that for v19.
Happy Evo noding !
This guide will get you up and running an Evo node with no fuss as quick as possible!
Step 1. Send the collateral
Similar to regular masternodes, you need to send 4000 Dash in one transaction to an address you control, ideally in your Trezor hardware wallet. Once done, use the site https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/ to note the transaction hash and the index of the 4000 Dash outpoint. Alternatively, if you are using the core wallet, issue the command masternode outputs to find this same information.
Step 2. Generate new keys
In the core wallet, open the console and issue bls generate to create your BLS key pair and copy this to notepad for later. Use the Receive tab to name the address, and create the next 4 addresses for the following keys.
- Owner
- Voting
- Payout
- Funding
Step 3. Funding the protx
In your core wallet, send 800 Duffs only to the address you labelled as 'Funding' this will be used to pay the transaction fee of the protx command.
Step 4. Generate the NodeID
The NodeID is a random string of 20 hex numbers that serves as a placeholder for now until in v20 when we change it with the actual nodeID we get when we install Platform using Dashmate or other. To generate the string issue the command below on any bash terminal, eg in Linux, MAC, or on the VPS.
head -c20 </dev/urandom|xxd -p
Record on your notepad this NodeID.
Step 5. Configure the VPS server.
Ideally use the Dash Mastenode Zeus to configure the server with no fuss and no delay. https://www.dash.org/forum/index.php?threads/dash-masternode-zeus-replacement-for-dashman.51618/ When prompted be sure to enter your BLS secret key that you generated earlier! During this step also record the IP address of the server in notepad.
Step 6. Create the protx invocation
The protx command you will need is protx register_prepare_hpmn
protx register_prepare_hpmn <collateralHash> <collateralIndex> <IP>:9999 <Owner> <BLS Pub key> <voting> 0 <payout> <nodeID> 26656 443 <Funding address>
Drop the above into the Dash wallet console and what comes back you need to copy out and sign with the address in your Trezor, or sign with the address in the core wallet if your funds are there, eg signmessage <collat address> <text> Once this is done, in the core wallet, you can submit the protx, eg, protx register_submit <TX> <Sig>
By this stage you are essentially done! Once the VPS is completely synced your node will be providing service to the network and running correctly.
V20 upgrade
Once v20 arrives, your upgrade path will be to reinstall the dashd and all Platform services on the VPS using Dashmate or some other tool and then issue a protx update_service_hpmn .... which will allow you set the correct nodeID and change the IP in case you need to move to a more powerful VPS. We estimate the requirements on the VPS to be about 2x that for v19.
Happy Evo noding !