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Google Sheets Masternode and Evonode APY


Well-known member

Last updated : 24th of September 2024

Instructrions : either copy and paste column A and column B into a Google Sheets tab, verify if the cell numbers [xx] match with your own Google sheet tab and then remove the [xx] cell numbers or just copy per cell right after each [xx] and paste it in the relevant cell. Set cell B21 and B26 to percentage. If at some point the payment interval on L1 get shorter then 5 days, just adjust the formula in B37 from *5 to *x

With regard to calculating Number of Enabled Evonodes specifically on Platform 1.3.0 on mnowatch you can also delete rows in a specific way by clicking on the incorrect parts ; clicking on empty row to delete empty row, clicking on dash-1 to remove rows with dash-1, clicking on 1.2.0 with DAPI to remove rows with older versions, clicking on row with 4 N/A in them to remove those rows. That will leave you with a more accurate Number of Enabled Evonodes specifically on Platform 1.3.0 on mnowatch at the bottom (table row count).

Column A (A1 to A37)

[A1] Number of Enabled Masternodes
[A2] Number of Enabled Evonodes specifically on Platform 1.3.0
[A3] Number of Enabled Evonodes
[A4] Number of Evonodes not getting rewarded from Platform
[A6] Block Gen + Fees (80%)
[A7] Block Gen + Fees (100%)
[A9] 60% of blockrewards to Masternodes
[A10] 62.5% of above masternode rewards --> MNO
[A11] 37.5% of above masternode rewards --> Credit Pool
[A13] Blocks per year
[A14] Number of Enabled Masternodes + Enabled Evonodes on 1.3.0
[A16] Annual
[A18] Masternodes collateral (DASH)
[A19] Masternode rewards (DASH)
[A20] Masternode collateral + rewards (DASH)
[A21] Masternode APY
[A23] Evonode collateral (DASH)
[A24] Evonode rewards (DASH)
[A25] Evonode collateral + rewards (DASH)
[A26] Evonode APY
[A28] Monthly
[A30] Evonode rewards (100% DASH)
[A31] Evonode rewards (75% CREDITS)
[A32] Evonode rewards (25% DASH)
[A34] L2 (9.125 days / epoch) & L1 (5 days)
[A36] Evonode rewards (CREDITS) every epoch (9.125 days)
[A37] Evonode rewards (DASH) every 5 days

Column B (B1 to B37)
[B1] Manually fetch from Dash Core wallet / Dashmate / DMT
[B2] Manually fetch from Mnowatch (https://mnowatch.org/evonodes/ ctrl+f, search for 1.3.0, counter already show number, divide by 3)
[B3] Manually fetch from Dash Core wallet / Dashmate / DMT
[B4] =B3-B2
[B6] 1.906
[B7] =B6+(20/100*B6)
[B9] =(B7/100)*60
[B10] =(B9/100)*62.5
[B11] =(B9/100)*37.5
[B13] 209664
[B14] =B1+B2
[B18] 1000
[B19] =B10*B13/B14
[B20] =B18+B19
[B21] =((B20-B18)/B18)
[B23] 4000
[B24] =B11*B13/B2+B19
[B25] =B23+B24
[B26] =((B25-B23)/B23)
[B30] =B24/12
[B31] =IF((B24/12)*0.75*100000000000 >= 1000000000000, TEXT((B24/12)*0.75*100000000000/1000000000000, "0.000") & " trillion", (B24/12)*0.75*100000000000)
[B32] =B19/12
[B36] =IF((B24/40)*0.75*100000000000 >= 1000000000000, TEXT((B24/40)*0.75*100000000000/1000000000000, "0.000") & " trillion", (B24/40)*0.75*100000000000)
[B37] =B19/365*5

Last updated : 24th of September 2024

Credits xkAI for providing the calculations for annual APY previously in here : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...masternodes-would-get-paid.54137/#post-236537
Also i finally managed to fix my previously incorrect Masternode APY calculations, should be correct now.
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Forgot to actually add the fixed values to column B.


Corrected how under Monthly, the Evonode rewards (25% DASH) are calculated (cell B32)
Corrected all formula's in each cell, as somehow they were pointing to incorrect cells. I suspect when i added line 4 to my sheet, it messed up the formula's below it, pointing to incorrect cells.

24-Sept-2024 :

Updated to show how to search for Evonodes on v1.3.0 on mnowatch
Also adjusted naming in cell A2, A3, A4 and A14 due to Evolution 1.3.0
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