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Evonode upgrade tutorial

@qwizzie I have good news for you. We already have this command: `dashmate ssl obtain`. What you should do is set a new API key and remove the previous certificate ID.

dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.apiKey [YOUR-NEW-KEY]
dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id null
dashmate ssl obtain
I noticed these three commands before, but i was not sure it would trigger Dashmate to also start creating a new certificate again and store it in Dashmate ssl directory. Hopefully removing the previous certificate ID will start that process again and store new certs in the ssl directory.

By the way : where can i find that previous certificate ID ? Are we talking about any (or all) of these files in Dashmate ssl directory ?


Or do you mean something else ?
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where can i find that previous certificate ID ?
dashmate config get platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id
In case if you haven’t nulled it already. Also, you can go to ZeroSSL panel and see all you certs there.

Yes, these files are certificates and csr to request a next one.
@Ivan Shumkov

So when Zero SSL sends me an certificate expiration warning email three days before the (last) cert expires (90-90-90), i can just nullify the last certificate ID (during that grace period of three days) in Dashmate by issuing :

dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.apiKey [YOUR-NEW-KEY]
dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id null
dashmate ssl obtain

Which will let Dashmate create a new bundle.crt and private.key through a new api key within that 3 days grace period and puts them in the ssl directory, replacing the expired bundle.crt and private.key files ? Only the crs.pem file remains untouched for issuing new certs.

Am i understanding it correctly this way ?
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It's a development release. Please do not install anything with pre release segment in version (`-pr.1713.2`). If you see a dash in version that means it's a pre release. Also, GitHub tells you what is the latest release and what is a pre-release.


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