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Dashmate (discussion)

I don't remember if there are documents suggesting you to use `npm update`.
I copied the instructions from here : https://github.com/dashpay/platform/tree/master/packages/dashmate



and pasted them into a short quick reference text file, with relevant Dashmate commands information for myself.
Dashmate commands like these :

Dashmate uninstall / install :

npm uninstall -g dashmate
nvm install 20
nvm alias default 20
nvm use 20
npm install -g dashmate
dashmate update
dashmate start

Dashmate update :

dashmate stop
npm update -g dashmate
dashmate update
dashmate start

Dashmate update with Platform reset :

dashmate stop
npm update -g dashmate
dashmate reset --platform-only --hard
dashmate update
dashmate setup
dashmate start

Both the Github link (see Update section and Example usage) and my quick reference text file looks to be outdated now thanks to your changes, specially with regards to npm update -g dashmate

Maybe the whole Github page needs to be adjusted, to better show the differences between npm install and npm update. Right now it shows far more information about npm update and seem to suggest that is the way to go, when Dashmate users just want to update Dashmate to fetch a new Core version. When in fact Dashmate users are better off using npm install, as that will forcibly install the latest version of the package from npm.

Although i don't think i ever had a problem with fetching latest Core version through npm update -g dashmate (once properly merged). Not sure if fetching latest package version from npm and fetching latest Core version from npm are the same. Maybe using npm install -g dashmate makes more sense once Evonodes actually gain access to L2 on Mainnet, instead of being restricted to L1 with Dashmate currently more focused on just providing Core version updates to Evonodes on Mainnet.
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