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Dash Embassy D-A-CH - Updates & Activities

Should Dash invest in an ATM company in a way that can make the network a stakeholder that receives it’s shares of the profit and has a say in discussions about the direction of the company?
Please have a look at our new proposal, where we ask this question: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/Dash_owned_ATM_Network
We have also made a video about this proposal that you can watch:

Presentations and questions in the morning – discussions and wallets installations in the afternoon

The third event of the Dash Roadshow took place during the Digital Week Kiel (#diwokiel) on September the 14th in Kiel. The speakers were Jan Heinrich Meyer, Managing Director and founder of Dash Embassy D-A-CH on the topics of Money + Monetary Policy and Dash – Digital Cash, Gökhan Köse, Managing Director of Blockchainhotel Essen on Bitcoin and Blockchain and Klaus Himmer, Managing Director of CryptoTax on the question “How should I tax my cryptos as a private person or as a company?”

Leif Jensen, one of the event’s participants, said: ” For two years now, I have been working with cryptocurrencies because I am looking for an alternative to fiat money. This event has shown me that I should consider Dash as a Plan B because it is practical in everyday use.”

On September 19th we will visit the Bosch Connectory in Stuttgart | 17.30 | Königstrasse 78. We are looking forward to talking to you about the advantages and disadvantages of Fiat money and cryptocurrencies.

Local media is reporting on our latest Dash event in Germany.
For those, who can't speak German: It's more or less a positive article but they are using the phrase "Cybergeld" (Cyber money) instead of cryptocurrency which sounds a little bit funny:

This article is great to raise local awareness of Dash because we are coming back to the region next month to speak to the members of the local chamber of commerce about Dash:
"Cryptocurrencies have a huge potential and we're going to have to learn more about Dash, there's no getting around it."

Torsten Haß from The Blockchain Institute in Nürtingen invited us to talk about cryptocurrencies and Dash at his Meet Up. We were happy to take up the invitation to present the entire lineup for the Dash Roadshow in Stuttgart: Jan Heinrich Meyer, Managing Director and founder of Dash Embassy D-A-CH, Gideon Gallasch, Managing Director of Blockchainhotel Essen and Klaus Himmer, Managing Director of CryptoTax. We visited the premises of the Bosch Connectory, where new and innovative ideas are being worked on diligently. As an example: They have programmed a 3D printer and a coffee machine in such a way that it is possible to pay them with Bosch Coins.


We were able to arrange interesting Q & A sessions and a total of 50 participants during the event. After that we ended the evening with a small group in the restaurant and further deepened specific questions.



Read more at: https://www.dash-embassy.org/2018/0...dshowstop-bosch-connectory-stuttgart/?lang=en

“Exploring Use Cases And Unleashing Potential!
Under this motto the Blockchain TR Summit 2018 will take place in Ankara, Turkey, in November 2018.

Local as well as international actors, entrepreneurs, regulators and legislators are going to be there to offer the audience their opinions and insights from a variety of perspectives. The event will be a unique opportunity for anyone who is willing to explore blockchain technology and the Turkish situation for further business development and partnerships. There will be discussions about new use cases, the impact on regulations and possible technological hurdles.

Jan Heinrich Meyer, the managing director and founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, was invited to present about the topics: Money & Monetary Policy | Bitcoin & Blockchain | Dash – Digital Cash. In the course of the event, we’ll also go one step further and explain how to set up a Dash Embassy in Turkey.

Website of the Blockchain TR Summit: https://blockchaintrsummit.com/

“Banks have a lot on their plate to catch up with, and this is achieved through various formats, such as the GENOhackathon. In order to make digitization a reality in the world of banking”. – Thomas Ullrich, Executive Board Member and Labor Director of DZ Bank AG

This is the motto under which the 5th GENOhackathon will take place from 6th to 8th November 2018. The event is organised by the DZ Bank Group (https://www.dzbank.de/), Feducia GAD (https://www.fiduciagad.de/startseite.html) and ADG (https://www.adgonline.de/). The event will take place at the Microsoft Deutschland GmbH office in Cologne.

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH, represented by Jan Heinrich Meyer, will participate in the Hackathon together with Alexander Block (Dash Core Dev) and Alex Werner (Dash Core Dev). We want to work with other participating companies on solutions to integrate cryptocurrencies in the existing banking infrastructure.


30 people interested in cryptocurrency went to the IGZ Bamberg on the 9th of October to attend the Dash Roadshow. Mario Mages, the IGZ Prokurist and Centre Manager & Network Activities Manager at Lagarde1, and his team hosted our presentation on the topic of Blockchain and Dash. We talked about money and monetary policy, about Bitcoin and Blockchain, about Dash - Digital Cash and about law and taxes.

Jan Heinrich Meyer, from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, presented a comprehensive insight into the world of cryptocurrencies and answered questions. Klaus Himmer, founder and managing director of the tax management tool Cryptotax, joined in via video chat to explain the dangers and challenges of taxing cryptocurrencies.

Mario Mages, center manager at the IGZ & head of network activities at Lagarde1, talked to us about his impression from the event:

“The Dash Roadshow has exceeded my expectations. I have been working with cryptocurrencies myself for several years now and therefore I really enjoyed the well-founded lectures, which allowed me to learn many new aspects. Although the hype behind cryptocurrencies is over, the underlying technology – the blockchain – is gradually becoming established, with payment systems being just one of many application. The well structured and interactive presentations were well coordinated. The participants received not only information about the cryptocurrency Dash, but also a general overview of the new world of blockchain technology. The lectures gave impulses for numerous exciting discussions. An entrepreneur who was a former tenant of our business incubator and is currently working in the blockchain business himself established the contact to the Dash Embassy D-A-CH. Altogether it was a very informative and entertaining event, which we would like to repeat.“


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25. Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida


The University of Applied Sciences Mittweida will organize the Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on “DIGITALISIERUNG IN INDUSTRIE UND GESELLSCHAFT – Arbeiten und Leben im Umfeld der 4. Industriellen Revolution” (“DIGITALIZATION IN INDUSTRY AND SOCIETY – Working and Living in the Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution”) for the 25th time.

Mr. Ruben Till Wittrin, head of the conference group and member of the staff of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, has invited the Dash Embassy to take part in a panel discussion on “Digitale Wechselstuben – oder geht´s auch ohne Euros?” (“Digital exchanges – How can it work without the Euro?”) The founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, Jan Heinrich Meyer, will join Arno Pfefferling, Horizen and Blockchain Meetup Saxony, Dr. Martin Diehl, Bundesbank and Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann, Volksbank Mittweida, on stage to answer any questions you may have.

Panel discussion:
“Digitale Wechselstuben – oder geht´s auch ohne Euros?”
25.10.2018 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Arno Pfefferling (Horizen and co-organizer of the Blockchain Meetup Saxony)
Jan Heinrich Meier (Dash)
Dr. Martin Diehl (Bundesbank)
Miriam Stareprawo-Hofmann (Volksbank Mittweida)


Rolf-Ejvind Sörensen, President of the IHK Flensburg (Chamber of Commerce Flensburg), welcomed the audience with the words: “Cryptocurrencies are a speculative asset. Can I trust the blockchain-based system and to what extent? We want to learn more about that today.”

Jan Heinrich Meyer, CEO and founder of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, and Elisabeth Rieger, tax accountant at the law firm Winheller from Frankfurt, talked to a group of interested participants from different sectors of industry and commerce about monetary policy, blockchain, DASH – Digital Cash and law & taxes in relation to cryptocurrencies. Their conclusion was that cryptocurrencies can be a valuable addition to the current monetary system and that it may be even useful to consider an alternative system.

After the presentation, the participants discussed the topic with each other and shared their thoughts. The Dash Embassy D-A-CH provides information regarding the current system and cryptocurrencies and wants to provide thought-provoking impulses.

Stefan Wesemann, director of the IHK Schleswig, said about the evening:

Our expectations have been fully met by this event and the attendees gave us also a very positive feedback. The topic is exciting and highly innovative, and not all regulations and standards have been defined by now. Cryptocurrencies are already a vital part of our regional economy, either as a payment method or as a store of value, as a measure for the exchange of goods or services, as a speculative asset or as a source of revenue. The IHK is convinced that the financial world will change significantly as a result of digitisation.



4th Blockchain Networking Meeting on October 15, 2018

Urban Innovation Vienna and the City of Vienna are supporting the idea of Blockchain, wherefore they invited interested industry representatives to an event already for the fourth time. The meeting was dedicated to Tokens and was held at the Accenture Future Camp venue.
Besides exciting project presentations, the subject “Token” was addressed from a technological, economic and legal point of view. Following the presentations there was the possibility to network and talk to each other.
In addition to Klaus Hipfinger from the Dash Embassy D-A-CH, who talked about Dash – Digital Cash, representatives of 0bsnetwork, BRZ, Anon, Coinfinity, the Staatsdruckerei, Drive Deal, CONDA, Capacity and the City of Vienna also introduced their projects.
For further information please visit: https://digitalcity.wien/4-blockchain-vernetzungstreffen-token-am-15-oktober-2018/


We are happy to announce a promotional partnership for 40 FIAT to Crypto ATMs in Germany. They will be installed all around the country during the next months. We will help to find locations and therefor have a prominent Dash branding on the maschines:


"MBAex, the Southeast Asian cryptocurrency exchange, will be integrating Dash into its platform with USDT, BTC and MDP (their own platform token) trading pairs, thanks to the work from Dash Embassy D-A-CH.

The exchange’s current consumer base is “70% from Greater China area (China, Taiwan, HK, Macau)”, “20% SE Asia”, and “10% Other” areas with “daily website traffic of approximately 1.8mil access and active trader count of approximately 200k to 300k individuals”. MBAex told Dash Force News that they currently have “around 1.3mil registered KYC-ed users”. The integration will exposure Dash to more individuals along with having the advantages of their “24hrs live chat support and an affiliate program to drive the growth of user base and transactions”, according to private messages with MBAex."

The Meeting Place of the Future – ANON Blockchain Summit Austria

A conference for innovators, thinkers and those who want to see a world less centralized.
The Blockchain Summit Austria will be a place to brew inspiration. In the presence of some of the most forward-thinking individuals, we aim to create an environment that breeds brilliance. Exciting startups, keen investors and experienced speakers will be lighting the fire that sees us reaching our common goal.

Our focus will be on “real life applications of blockchain”

– government
– banking/finance
– insurance
– supply chain
– energy
– digital currencies

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH will be there as a partner to educate about Dash, the digital cash of tomorrow.

Tickets are available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/anon-blockchain-summit-austria-tickets-50529188162?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

More details will follow shortly.