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Behind Dash: The People
Is a look at the Invisible People that drive Dash forward.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and it would be good to change that. Also look out for Agnewpickens' weekly Behind Dash: Repo Roundups on what's happening in the mysterious world of Repos.
You are starting a weekly Repo Roundup, but like most people Behind Dash a lot in the community won’t know you.
Can you give us some background - normal stuff: What did you do before; How & when did you get into Dash and what are you doing in Dash ATM?
LOL, OK, I started in crypto in early 2016 in the Ethereum Network, but quickly saw it wasn't really a payment coin, which I desired for my small business, so in November 2016 I joined the Dash Nation Slack. I was invited to become a Moderator in 2017 and now help moderate Dash Talk, the Dashpay Reddit sub as well as the forum.
Repo Roundup - what makes you think you are qualified to do this?
I am a computer nerd, for one, I am not a programmer, but I can read code, and have used watching repos on other coins for my trading activities, it has helped me stay on top of what other projects are doing,
In your Roundup you said: “we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs,” What the hell is RC’s?
Release Candidate for testnet, that means a build.
I'm a noob - talk English please
Right now, the core team is building v14 from source on testnet, they have the equipment and software to do that regularly, most people who want to test the new software are going to want to have builds for their platforms, Windows, MacOS, Linux.
SO? where does the RC come in?
The RC is where regular Dash users can play with the new software on testnet and help the team find bugs in the software.
I understand you were snowed in for most of last week - do you have a pic of your place with the snow?
That was at the height of the blizzard last Saturday night.
Behind Dash - Why do you think this shit is necessary - Don’t the community have enough to read already?
As a Moderator, I have seen enough Dash users, especially voters, wanting more insight behind what happens with Dash Core Group.
Thank You
Yer welcome, you caught me off guard there, LOL
Is a look at the Invisible People that drive Dash forward.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and it would be good to change that. Also look out for Agnewpickens' weekly Behind Dash: Repo Roundups on what's happening in the mysterious world of Repos.
You are starting a weekly Repo Roundup, but like most people Behind Dash a lot in the community won’t know you.
Can you give us some background - normal stuff: What did you do before; How & when did you get into Dash and what are you doing in Dash ATM?
LOL, OK, I started in crypto in early 2016 in the Ethereum Network, but quickly saw it wasn't really a payment coin, which I desired for my small business, so in November 2016 I joined the Dash Nation Slack. I was invited to become a Moderator in 2017 and now help moderate Dash Talk, the Dashpay Reddit sub as well as the forum.
Repo Roundup - what makes you think you are qualified to do this?
I am a computer nerd, for one, I am not a programmer, but I can read code, and have used watching repos on other coins for my trading activities, it has helped me stay on top of what other projects are doing,
In your Roundup you said: “we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs,” What the hell is RC’s?
Release Candidate for testnet, that means a build.
I'm a noob - talk English please
Right now, the core team is building v14 from source on testnet, they have the equipment and software to do that regularly, most people who want to test the new software are going to want to have builds for their platforms, Windows, MacOS, Linux.
SO? where does the RC come in?
The RC is where regular Dash users can play with the new software on testnet and help the team find bugs in the software.
I understand you were snowed in for most of last week - do you have a pic of your place with the snow?
That was at the height of the blizzard last Saturday night.
Behind Dash - Why do you think this shit is necessary - Don’t the community have enough to read already?
As a Moderator, I have seen enough Dash users, especially voters, wanting more insight behind what happens with Dash Core Group.
Thank You
Yer welcome, you caught me off guard there, LOL
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