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Behind Dash: The People


New member
Behind Dash: The People

Is a look at the Invisible People that drive Dash forward.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and it would be good to change that. Also look out for Agnewpickens' weekly Behind Dash: Repo Roundups on what's happening in the mysterious world of Repos.


You are starting a weekly Repo Roundup, but like most people Behind Dash a lot in the community won’t know you.
Can you give us some background - normal stuff: What did you do before; How & when did you get into Dash and what are you doing in Dash ATM?

LOL, OK, I started in crypto in early 2016 in the Ethereum Network, but quickly saw it wasn't really a payment coin, which I desired for my small business, so in November 2016 I joined the Dash Nation Slack. I was invited to become a Moderator in 2017 and now help moderate Dash Talk, the Dashpay Reddit sub as well as the forum.

Repo Roundup - what makes you think you are qualified to do this?
I am a computer nerd, for one, I am not a programmer, but I can read code, and have used watching repos on other coins for my trading activities, it has helped me stay on top of what other projects are doing,

In your Roundup you said: “we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs,” What the hell is RC’s?
Release Candidate for testnet, that means a build.

I'm a noob - talk English please
Right now, the core team is building v14 from source on testnet, they have the equipment and software to do that regularly, most people who want to test the new software are going to want to have builds for their platforms, Windows, MacOS, Linux.

SO? where does the RC come in?
The RC is where regular Dash users can play with the new software on testnet and help the team find bugs in the software.

I understand you were snowed in for most of last week - do you have a pic of your place with the snow?

That was at the height of the blizzard last Saturday night.

Behind Dash - Why do you think this shit is necessary - Don’t the community have enough to read already?

As a Moderator, I have seen enough Dash users, especially voters, wanting more insight behind what happens with Dash Core Group.

Thank You
Yer welcome, you caught me off guard there, LOL
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When & How did you get into Dash?
I first took notice of bitcoin in late 2014 during the runup to $1000. I started buying shortly after. I took a little interest in trading back then, but I had no idea what I was doing and lost what little I played with, so I decided then to just focus on bitcoin moving forward (I do remember reading a little about Darkcoin but didn't buy any. Oh well, that's life).

Fast forward to 2016. The BTC scaling debate was really getting hot and ugly so I decided I needed to divest some of my BTC into other coins. Of the coins I looked at, it was Dash and Ethereum that really grabbed my interest. The moment I read about the DAO, I got it. I instantly recognized that Dash was in a whole different category than all other cryptos and that it was Dash that was truly going to change the world.

By spring 2017, I was heavily promoting Dash but not directly in the Dash community, rather in Anarcrypt and some other general crypto groups on Facebook. I didn't really sink myself into the Dash community until it moved from Slack to Discord. I'm now actively engaged with the Dash community every available waking hour, often to the detriment of my job, lol. I'm hoping to transition to working for Dash in some capacity this year or next.

See you’re listed under Dash Force - What do you do for them?
Dash Force is a DFO created by Brian, Mark, and Joel. They provide several services to the network including Dash News. My role with Dash Force is community engagement. My official title is Mod Squad Swarm Leader.

Basically I run defense for Dash against the trolls. I'm a defensive person by nature and when I see Dash being attacked, I feel compelled to defend her. I look for attacks on Dash in the various subreddits, twitter, and other social media platforms and engage when I can. I also share all of the Dash News articles and other Dash information on several social media platforms.

Lastly. I created and moderate Dash groups on MeWe and Minds.

So you are working full time - does your boss know how much time you are spending on Dash while you are working?
Lord, I hope not. I work IT and one of the advantages is that I spend all day in front of a computer. I have a fair bit of time where I'm waiting on downloads and whatnot so I'm able to do my work for Dash during those mini lulls.

I just had my review though earlier this week and it was sterling, so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear, lol. I do hope to transition to working full time for Dash in some capacity either this year or next. Fingers crossed.

HeyMichael said: “37% of miner hashrate is signaling DIP3 when paying upgraded masternodes” What does that mean in English?
Basically that means that 37% of the miners have upgraded to v0.13, the latest Dash release.

First ChainLocks happened on a devnet. Sounds important? Why?
ChainLocks are super exciting as they will effectively make Dash impervious to 51% attacks. A 51% attack is where over 51% of the hash rate (ie, miners) is controlled by a single entity which allows them to take control of the chain giving the attacker the ability to commit doublespends, chain reorgs, and other nefarious actions.

ChainLocks is where a Masternode quorum signs each block added to the chain based on the First Seen rule which prevents another, false chain from forming. Once ChainLocks are in place (due in v0.14), an attacker would have to control both 51% of the mining hashrate and 51% of the masternodes, which is effectively impossible.

Chainlocks, in conjunction with Dash owning the majority of the X11 alogrithm, will make Dash the most secure PoW coin in the world, even more so than Bitcoin.

You’re on the Street Team? Street Corners? Skimpy dress? “Wanna have fun baby?”
Yes, I am a Dash whore ;-) In all seriousness though, I'm a member of Dash Street Team, a new, Dash Boost funded project started by Joel Valenzuela.

Our goal is to kick-start a grassroots movement to help spread the adoption of Dash around the world. Our immediate task is to create a list of all the various Dash and Dash-friendly meetups. We want to both create a system of communication among the meetups, as well as have a handy list so we know where to send people when they want to learn about Dash in person.

We have a dedicated channel on the Dash Talk Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/PXbUxJB#street-team

You fight a lot of FUD. Can you take a selfie while you think about the Troleros?


Thank You
Kannuker is doing incredible and invisible work Behind Dash: Fighting FUD and Shilling all over the place :rolleyes:
Please follow him and up-vote and support his myriad posts in support of Dash.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kanuuker
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanuuker
Gab: https://gab.ai/ChrisWebb
Liberdon (Mastodon): https://liberdon.com/web/accounts/23592
MeWe: mewe.com/i/kanuuker
Minds: https://www.minds.com/kanuuker
Discord: @kanuuker#9679

My groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/anarcrypt/
Chris Webb (@kanuuker)
Long time ancap and official Dash shill

Chris Webb (@ChrisWebb) | Gab
"I might disagree with your opinion, but I'm willing to give my life for your right to express it." - Voltaire

Kanuuker (@[email protected])
310 Toots, 20 Following, 31 Followers ·
Long time ancap and official Dash shill.

kanuuker | Minds
Subscribe to @Kanuuker on Minds.
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