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  1. D

    我想请教下噢 , 目前大家都是使用哪个交易平台买卖暗黑币较多?

    如题 , 想看看大家用的是哪个交易平台 。 毕竟目前都一直有收到关于某些交易平台倒闭的消息。 所以想看看哪个交易平台最安全。
  2. D

    Some question about DRK Total issued and Daily production

    Hello guys , i just check today DRK amount , it shows that there was around 4.8Million DRK at the market. But as i know that DarkCoin only will issue 2880DRK per day , how come there are 4.8M DRK in the market... And i've calculated that from Jan/18 until today Dec/11 there were total...