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  1. P

    Why You Might Want A Cryptocurrency Debit Card

    I am well invested into TenX, I won't reveal my holdings but they are decent hahaha. Crypto debit cards will play a huge role in connecting crypto-currencies to the average citizens and making it easier for people to spend their holdings in their day-a-day life, something that is a bit difficult...
  2. P

    Dash proposals that are focused on business sectors for growth

    That's good news indeed, because if Dash can be used by several sectors, especially those with a high volume of transactions per year, then there's no doubt about it that will raise like beer foam hahaha :D
  3. P

    Bitcoin Fees Chasing Businesses Away, Dash, Litecoin Benefit

    BTC is not going to be the future and the excessive fees are just one of the reasons, because it is also becoming much slower, which is a major point against it. Hopefully Dash will surpass BTC on this and other aspects! :)
  4. P

    A major Localbitcoins competitor offers Dash

    That's a good move indeed because now investors have more options for loading up on Dash. However, I don't think that the new entries know about the coin at all.