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  1. C

    Dangerous proposal precedent

    You bring up a great point I haven't considered. I think one thing to keep in mind, with Evolution I believe they're looking to make Masternode shares and in turn hopefully shares will have voting rights so the voting will be more distributed and not just held to MNs.
  2. C

    Write an Article for DashTreasury.org - Guest Authors Invited

    Where are the articles posted? I like the idea, just trying to get a sense for what would be appropriate.
  3. C

    [Pre-Proposal] Creating content on Quora for exposure to early-adopters

    I think maybe I misunderstood your point. Are you saying that early-adopters are already adopters for Dash? This I agree with and is not my goal. My point is that Quora contains people who are more likely to adopt something new (even if Dash is past its early adoption phase) and Dash is new. I...
  4. C

    I propose we stop voting for irrelevant proposals until the end of the year. Burn the Dash.

    Hi RGXDK, Those concerns make sense, but do you think not funding those other kinds of proposals will generate interest to create the more serious proposals? It's more of an issue of incentivizing larger proposals than shutting down smaller and "sillier" ones. It seems there's a place for both...
  5. C

    [Pre-Proposal] Creating content on Quora for exposure to early-adopters

    I've taken into account the others comments about price and will update the Dash per answer rate to reflect a more reasonable one especially for my first few proposals. I had assumed with the proposal fee and the price volatility, there is a certain level of premium the payout deserves because...
  6. C

    [Pre-Proposal] Creating content on Quora for exposure to early-adopters

    Hi, thanks for your feedback. That makes sense. What would you give that at a "Dash per hour" rate? At the time I originally wrote it up the price was $160 so it's difficult to keep up with an hourly rate exactly. I understand the starting small and building and I will definitely take that into...
  7. C

    [Pre-Proposal] Creating content on Quora for exposure to early-adopters

    Thanks for your feedback. My issue is the volatility of the price right now. At the time when I originally wrote it the price was around $160 which at 1.5-2 hour per answer, was around $100 an hour. Probably a little steep, but with the proposal fee, that would cut it down significantly. What...
  8. C

    [Pre-Proposal] Creating content on Quora for exposure to early-adopters

    I originally posted my Pre-Proposal here. After some feedback, I've updated it to the below. Please let me know what your thoughts are, I didn't get as much feedback on the linked Pre-Proposal as I'd hoped and want to contribute to the community. Amount: 17 Dash per month Time: Two months...
  9. C


    I've thought about this need before and I agree that it needs to be 100% trustless and make that as transparent as possible.
  10. C

    Integrating Dash payments with Shopify

    Hi @Robonova Did you ever get this figured out? I'm looking to do the same for my ecommerce store and in the beginning stages of my research.