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Search results

  1. C

    Dash-qt will not start: Dash core: Error opening block database. Do you want to build the block d...

    Well, I got this bin/dash-qt -datadir=/home/vagrant/.dashcore Error: Specified data directory "/home/vagrant/.dashcore" does not exist. But after I created that directory, then yes, it did start with 3 years and 8 weeks behind. However, that will put the block chain into a virtual disk file...
  2. C

    Dash-qt will not start: Dash core: Error opening block database. Do you want to build the block d...

    Here are the permissions. It gave me the option to change the data dir when I first started it. It's not a top level file system directory, it's a mount point to the host drive. [vagrant@localhost ~]$ ls -ld /dash drwxrwxrwx. 1 vagrant vagrant 4096 Mar 17 02:22 /dash [vagrant@localhost ~]$ ls...
  3. C

    Is it possible to move the wallet directory outside of the data directory?

    When dash-qt first started, it says the data directory also holds the wallet file. I don't want to back up the blockchain (that would be silly - there are thousands of copies) but I do want to back up the wallet. Can I store the wallet elsewhere besides the data directory? I haven't been able to...
  4. C

    Dash-qt will not start: Dash core: Error opening block database. Do you want to build the block d...

    I would post a screen shot but it only accepts image links. The dialog says "Dash core: Error opening block database. Do you want to rebuild the block database now?" I press OK and another dialog shows "Dash Core - Error: Error opening block database." I press OK and it quits. Oh, I can...