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Hello there. -- I am a digital marketing communications and business development consultant with a background in financial services.

Currently I am exploring collaborations for growing a Dash Merchant Network. If you are interested in having a conversation please get in touch.

On another note, consider this scenario: Imagine having money in a safe that you are not allowed access – instead, you must borrow the equivalent amount of money from a bank and pay the bank interest for the privilege. That is what homeowners face every day with the wealth tied up in their homes.

Accessing that wealth requires borrowing against the home, equity refinancing, home equity loans or home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) -- adding debt to the homeowner's balance sheet.

Now with a Fractional Interest program through Capital Success, you can take out a lump-sum, tax deferred, with NO payments and NO interest.

This is potentially a way to participate in the market capitalization of Dash as a speculative opportunity.

At www.capitalsuccess.us learn more. [Available only in the states of CA, WA, OR, and MA.]

Thank you. [email protected]


Rick Miller, [email protected]


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