Mark Mason
Well-known member
Which Multi-Coin Mobile Dash Wallet Is the Best?

The Contenders
Coinomi The old steady multi-coin wallet, Coinomi has been around for a long time. It works fast and easy, supports just about every coin under the sun, and has secure backup options, including an encrypted password for spending. It’s only available for Android right now however, and has experienced significant support delays in the past. Moreover, its developers have reacted with some hostility when notified about vulnerabilities, which may be a concern to some users.
Pros: Functional, easy to use, supports a staggering spread of coins.
Cons: Android-only, poor support (rarely necessary), prickly devs.
Jaxx Now a mainstay of cryptocurrency, Jaxx made a significant splash by coming on to the scene with a multi-platform wallet with a very attractive, slick, and easy to use app, with the killer feature of being able to sync across over a half-dozen different platforms, creating a unified cryptocurrency wallet solution. Unfortunately, bugs and user experience issues have persisted, to the point where basic functions such as an updated balance, QR code scanning, and even sending funds is sometimes impeded.
Pros: Attractive interface, multi-platform syncing.
Cons: Severely buggy, poor user experience.
Edge The new contender to the scene is Edge, formerly known as AirBitz, which was a Bitcoin-only wallet. Edge is available on both mobile platforms, and features a limited selection of coins at present (most of the familiar ones from the top ten). It has a slick interface and a smooth user experience. Notably, it has a simple username and password setup instead of having to restore with seed words every time a new phone is acquired, and an easy recovery option familiar to users of banking apps and other current account systems.
Pros: Simplest to use, intuitive account-like features, available for both iPhone and Android.
Cons: Limited number of coins supported.
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