Translation help please / 翻訳助けてください


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
Can i please get some translation help ?
(all into japanese - please stay in exact same format )
Dash is DigitalCash
Dash is a decentralized cryptographic currency that works similar to Bitcoin, but fixes many of Bitcoin's problems. Dash's InstantX technology makes transactions almost instant, meaning it is suitable for in-person trades and point-of-sale purchases. Not only that, but Dash is truly private, meaning that nobody can mine the blockchain to find details of your purchases or financial history. You wouldn't advertise your credit card statement--why advertise your crypto purchases?

Dash is built from Bitcoin's core code, meaning that it remains compatible with systems that are already designed to work with Bitcoin. The creator of Dash, Evan Duffield, works with a "core team" of almost 20 people to continually improve the Dash code and ecosystem. Since Dash implemented its self-funding mechanism, a number of new developers have begun working on various aspects of the project as well, including retail point-of-sale and vending machine integration.

Dash's masternodes enable investors to earn a 10+% annual return on investment while performing vital services for the network. Masternodes power both the privacy and instant transaction features of Dash. Not only that, but masternode owners are able to vote on which projects will receive Dash's monthly self-generated budget funding. Dash's budget system provides tens of thousands of dollars in recurring funds, every month, which masternode owners allocate to projects designed to improve the Dash ecosystem.


thank you,
i use these for keywords in japanese outlets /videos
Please double-check me here
ありがとうございました :rolleyes:

Tx to @Alexy great voiceovers, she is getting so much better ;)







(「それはつまり、~追跡されることはない」→「それはつまり、~追跡されることはない、ということ」) (ほんの少し違和感がある程度なので、ここは直さなくてもいいかもしれないです。)
