Top 10 Market Cap


The buck stops here.
Darkcoin is about to become a top 10 cryptocurrency. You can pretty much count that everyone into cryptos will have heard about it. Next milestone is when business's start accepting it. It's times like these when it's hard to keep it professional. :D Congratulations everyone; we're going places.
I hope so, of course we'll probably have a lot of bumps in the road, but this is still cheap as far as I'm concerned.

BTW, I keep getting logged off, and have to re-log in even so I click the "keep me signed in" button. It's been happening for a couple of days now??
BTW, I keep getting logged off, and have to re-log in even so I click the "keep me signed in" button. It's been happening for a couple of days now??

There was an issue with a configuration file when the server was migrated. Clear your cache and cookies for this site and the problem should be resolved. If not, just make a quick post in the forum feedback section.
Persuaded my wife to buy 1000DRK yesterday. If it tanks I'm in trouble. And when it soars I'll still be in trouble. "Why didn't you make me buy more!?" :D
I'm just happy I'm finally turning a small profit, I bought back when it was like .0022.

edit: I'm also happy the price keeps going up a steady ~20% a day, I don't like huge 100% jumps as that casually indicates a pump & dump and a crash coming soon.
I'm silly, I sold 40 last night, thinking if it went to .0024, it would surely drop today at noon, but even if it does, it won't drop enough for me to buy back at where I sold, LOL. I really should leave the day trading to others, LOL.

Oh well...
It's been a good couple of days. I converted all my mined btc to drk right after the release candidate came out and doubled my money. Now PBOC is doing its bimonthly punking of bitcoin, so I can buy more from the panicking fools!
Tante - I don't do much day trading, but when I do I try to follow the advice of Warren Buffet, which is (paraphrasing) "Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy." There are key words on the forums that you can look for which make it really obvious how people are feeling. For example, "crash," "panic," "sell-off," "trash," "dump," ...etc. All of that is on the bitcoin buzzfeed right now, indicating it's a good time to buy in. I don't do much selling, because my goal is to buy in cheap but then stay in for the long term, but there are similar words letting you know when to sell: "soaring," "gold rush," "huge investment," etc.

What I've learned the hard way is that I need to decide when to buy at the beginning of the price drop - otherwise I'll miss the bottom and get screwed. Rather than try to predict low it will go, my system is to let it drop as low as it wants to go, then buy as soon as it rises more then about $10. How much I buy depends on how far it drops. For example, btc is at about $450 right now. I have no idea how low it will go, but you can bet that it will rebound almost immediately after it bottoms out. So suppose it drops to $400, then starts going back up - I'll declare the crash over and buy in when the price hits $410/$420. If it drops all the way to $350, I'd buy in when it went up to around $365, but in that case I'd buy more.

You could play a similar game with selling, but personally I think that btc and drk are going to continue rising (on average) for a long time, so I'll be hanging on to them. By the way, I should emphasize that I'm a physicist, not a financial adviser - I bring all this up because it's interesting, not as advice!

P.S. PBOC = People's Bank of China - the jokers who like to "ban" bitcoin every other week, presumably to give their friends a chance to buy in cheap.
Yah, Lazarus, I agree you are correct. I'm only playing with my "extra" LOL, so it's not too painful. Sticking to my plan of long term holding. What I sold, I'll use to buy back, even so it'll be at a loss, LOL. Boy, the price just keeps rising!
Dropped a bit, but heading strong! I got in at 0.00163 just in time for 1 masternode :D
Final purchases today at 0.0031 to clear out all my LTC's

All into DRK now!
So anyone else think the price is rising too fast today?
I think there will probably be a correction coming soon. It should be rising, but not this fast. With most other coins following BTC down, I suspect the day traders are flocking to DRK because it's one of the few where there's profit to be made right now. But then they'll probably dump it once they've made a comfortable profit and move on. I think sub-$1 prices are a thing of the past, though.
I think there will probably be a correction coming soon. It should be rising, but not this fast. With most other coins following BTC down, I suspect the day traders are flocking to DRK because it's one of the few where there's profit to be made right now. But then they'll probably dump it once they've made a comfortable profit and move on. I think sub-$1 prices are a thing of the past, though.

I think it's going to drop too, too bad I had a meeting and my deposit didn't show up in time I really wanted to sell it at 0.004 and then by it back but now it's 0.0035 and I don't want to buy in case it doesn't go lower than that.
I'd say, try dumping at .005, try buying back at .0025...
it will go down for sure*...

*) we just dont know when/where/which prices...