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The following proposal is being put forth by three parties in Sao Paulo Brazil, Sean Morgan, the cofounder of CoinYou.Co Crypto Education Platform, Ezequiel Gomes, the chief-editor of DashBR.com and Dr. Husam Abboud of the blockchain research lab and Adus.org.br, a refugee reintegration organization.
The Problem: Refugees sometimes lack:
- Financial Literacy
- A Bank Account
- Any Financial Resources
- A Way To Make Money
- An Affordable Way To Send Money Abroad To Family
The Opportunity:
People that had to move away from their countries often have to start a new life with little resources and need financial education to live in a foreign land. This opens a door for crypto solutions to meet this need and offers a new perspective on money and economy. The crypto philosophy about financial freedom and the ability to transact over borders can give a new horizon to this kind of people and this makes them specially interested in learning as much as they can and as fast as they can to be able to explore crypto potencial in practice as soon as they can.
Program Process:
- Ezekiel and Sean would create an English and Portuguese curriculum focused on the basics of using DASH and using DASH to buy goods, sell goods and services, use it as a remittance etc. The curriculum will be a series of videos, tutorials, and articles.
- The videos will be produced using borrowed equipment from CoinYou and some equipment such as lights will need to be purchased.
- The articles will be printed into a take-home pamphlet for the students.
- The videos will be played in the classroom and will be available offline once students download them from the CoinYou app if they have a smart phone.
- There will be 2 live training sessions at the Adus.org.br facilities Each class will have 25 students and 5 assistants (volunteers or those hired through the program) to help students in groups of five to do hands on training using borrowed laptops from Adus and CoinYou. Students will watch the videos and then get their questions answered by the teacher (Ezequiel Gomes).
- An entrepreneurship class will be held to help students formulate a business plan for their DASH.
- Follow up contact will be made to determine how effectively students used DASH funds to start a business and if additional help is needed for them to effectively use the funds.
- Teach Dash helps DASH with its goal of converting people who don't know how to use Dash into real time users.
- Frequently asked questions or problems users have will be put into a report and sent to the core team before another proposal is sent for a more scaled training. This addresses Dash’s strategy for growth, to understand user needs and solve users problems
- Documentation of the program will be promoted in the media, which will be great marketing for DASH and show that Dash not only works but that it is an organization that cares and helps people.
- Video documentation of the program will provide proven use cases as a Remittance service and functioning microeconomy.
- High quality DASH courses produced in multiple languages can be used by millions of users online.
- We will help to convert small and big businesses into real Dash merchants.
- We are committed to provide updates and reports on a monthly basis at: Dash forum thread. Also we will send detailed information to the Dash Network.
Who Are We?

CoinYou.Co (https://www.coinyou.info/ for now - we are setting the website adress currently) is a multilingual education platform for teaching crypto to beginners. It is launching in August 2018 with an Android and IOS app to follow. The goal is to help the unbanked access crypto solutions and a supportive/moderated community through a peer to peer education platform, where anyone can submit content in their native language and watch that content offline with the mobile app.
CoFounder and CEO of CoinYou.co, author and serial social entrepreneur, Sean Morgan writes about emerging technology and consciousness for various publications such as https://Medium.com/@MasteryOfChange. Sean has been a Marketing Manager and Business Developer for two blockchain companies, Lomostar.com and ChronoLogic.Network. Former founder of the American Accent Academy and the Sustainable Community Education Alliance, Sean brings his background in entrepreneurship, nonprofit management, and education to the CoinYou Social Learning Community.
Ezequiel Gomes is the editor of guiadobitcoin.com.br and chief-editor of DashBr.com and has experience in creating and translating DASH tutorials in Portuguese.
About Dr. Husam Abboud Co-founder of EstablishBrazil, Commonwealth Institute, and PDB Capital. Dr Abboud is on the board of Adus.org.br and is a researcher at GenesisBlock (Blockchain lab of FECAP University).
Founded in 2010, the Refugee Reintegration Institute, popularly known as ADUS, is a Public Interest Civil Society Organization that helps refugees and other foreigners living in São Paulo who are victims of forced migration, to reduce the barriers to their effective reintegration into society.
To put our mission into practice, Adus offers Portuguese language classes, professional qualification courses, psychological support, entry into the job market, entrepreneurship training and preparation.
Dash is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).[1][2] It features instant transactions, private transactions and a self-funded, self-governed organizational structure.[3] Dash is a fork of the Bitcoin software[4] and is referred to as an altcoin.[5] It was launched in January 2014 by Evan Duffield.[6]
Budget (for pilot project 50 refugee):
Line Item
Cost in US Dollars
Video Equipment - 600,00
100 dollars in DASH for 50 Students - 5000,00
Printed Materials - 300,00
Pay For Translators/Instructors - 2000,00
5 Dash refund - 930,00 (current price, 246 dollars each)
Total 8.830,00
Contact Information: [email protected]
PS: This is our first pre-proposal, so feel free to help us get it better!
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