Ok guys so I've decided to create a post containing a number of privacy-focused websites and useful information that I have come across. I use quite a lot of this stuff and know a lot of other people that do and figured who better to share it all with than you lot.
This is taken me ages to research all of this and even longer to finally bring myself to put this all into a forum post for you guys but I'll accept your honesty if you think it's complete dog shit. For a lot of people this will be pretty basic but for people starting out it's a good place to start. I hope this helps.
Oh and for the record, should you use any of the information that I have provided for illegal purpose then I won't be held responsible for your actions. Some of the information in this that could lead to you commiting offenses I will say now that I have posted the information for 'Educational Purposes'.....Yea....Right!
Here we go.....
1) IMPROVING YOUR BROWSER PRIVACY - This guide on increasing your privacy online is amazing! Well to me it is anyway. It provides you with a number of things to make your web browser more private / secure and also gives you a list of browser add-ons to look at downloading. Now if I remember right I don't think this guy mentions 'Ghostery' and 'Better Privacy' which are definitely worth installing onto your browser. Here's a few other links:
2) PRIVATE SEARCH ENGINES - The best two that I've come across so far are and Personally though I prefer StartPage but I've used both.
3) ALWAYS USE A VPN - Ok so VPN stands for 'Virtual Private Network'. What it does is mask your IP address allowing whatever or whoever is tracking your connection to think that you're located somewhere completely different. NEVER USE TWO VPNs AT THE SAME TIME AS THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT! There are a number of great VPNs but the one I use most is IPVANISH. The main reason for this is because on most of the forums people have said, as well as IPVANISH themselves stating that they don't store logs but be warned that the logs are stored on your PC instead so just make sure to delete these using software that permanently deletes the files. Which leads me on to.......
4) PERMANENT DELETION SOFTWARE - Now I know of a few people that use CCleaner but personally I prefer BleachBit. This software is incredible and does exact what you would expect it to.
5) PREVENTING DDOS ATTACKS - I should have mentioned this earlier but using a VPN helps prevent you becoming a victim of DDOS attacks. DDOS stands for 'Distributed Denial of Service'. This means someone floods your router with a shit tonne of packets making your router sticks it's head between it's legs and giving up until either the attack stops or your restart your router (hopefully you were sensible enough to change your router settings so that you have a dynamic IP). If you're using a VPN though it makes it more difficult for the DDOSer to target your ACTUAL IP address.
6) DDOS ATTACKS - Ok so you're curious how to perform a DDOS and have looked at YouTube videos containing tutorials on how to carry them out. Those videos are complete shit and you will only end up DDOSing yourself....have fun with that
Should you decide you want to 'Stress Test' a connection then the two best booter services that I've heard about and have seen being used are and These are both great. DO NOT use as they are complete wankers and con-artists. I know someone who £94.99 on a subscription and the service still doesn't work to this day. Using these services will allow you to test and make sure that your VPN works properly.....amongst other things.
7) ANTI-MALWARE SOFTWARE - Ok so one of the most important bits of software which if you don't have one already you should strongly consider burning your pc and never touch one again....Nah I'm joking
Here's a link to MalwareBytes: This software is great for keeping out those cheeky keyloggers, rats, etc which steals your data and fucks you in the arse with it when they finally decide to purchase all sort of shit with your details. Remember though that there is some keylogging malware out there that goes almost completely under the radar so just keep an eye on things. You also don't want those nosey pricks at the NSA or any other government organisation installing malware on your pc just so that they can track you even more than they already do.
8) STAYING COMPLETELY PRIVATE - So we all know that 100% anonymity isn't and never will be possibly but you can make sure that it's more difficult for anyone to track you by following most of the points in this post. If you want 100% anonymity / privacy then you can do this by......Burning ALL technology that you own and moving home to a cave on a deserted island
But no seriously for extra privacy you could purchase a laptop, pay-as-you-go sim card, mobile phone and top-up vouchers with cash all but remember to try to cover your face as the cameras still have proof you were in the shop. when using all of these combined remember to change location each time as masts can still triangulate your signal and pin-point your location.
9) STORE PRECIOUS THINGS OFF OF YOUR PC - Remember that if you hold certain things precious to make sure to store them on an encrypted USB device and encrypt all of the files individually so that should you decide to move a few of the files to another device then they're already encrypted.
10) ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE - Personally I use GPG4WIN as this software is incredible and if I remember right I think it was Tungfa on the DashTalk forums that posted a tutorial on how to use the software.
11) PRIVACY SOFTWARE - Just check out this website, it's incredible:
Prism Break has software for computers and phones so it's perfect for everyday life.
Another great website is The Guardian Project which can be found here:
12) THE 'TOR' BROWSER - If you want even more privacy and security then check out the TOR browser. This broswer masks your IP address and you can even use it with a VPN active which provides even more privacy. This is also your gateway to the .onion sites which can't be accessed from a normal web browser.
Here's something that should also help:
13) PRIVATE MESSAGING - If you want to send someone a message and make sure that it's deleted straight away after they've read it then check this out:
You could even send someone the public key for the encrypted document / message that you're sending them separarely using this service for extra security / privacy.
14) USE A VIRTUAL MACHINE - With a virtual machine it can literally act like a temporary pc where once you're finished doing what you need to do on it all data from it is permanently wiped. Tungfa posted about this here:
16) CONSTANTLY NEW EMAIL ACCOUNTS WITHOUT NEEDING ANOTHER EMAIL - Check out: You don't need to enter another email address when setting up an account, you don't need to enter personal details and it only takes seconds to setup a new email.
If anyone else has anything that would like to add to this then please feel free to do so. As I said at the start I created this with the intention of hopefully helping someone out even if it's only one person in the end.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post guys
This is taken me ages to research all of this and even longer to finally bring myself to put this all into a forum post for you guys but I'll accept your honesty if you think it's complete dog shit. For a lot of people this will be pretty basic but for people starting out it's a good place to start. I hope this helps.
Oh and for the record, should you use any of the information that I have provided for illegal purpose then I won't be held responsible for your actions. Some of the information in this that could lead to you commiting offenses I will say now that I have posted the information for 'Educational Purposes'.....Yea....Right!
Here we go.....
1) IMPROVING YOUR BROWSER PRIVACY - This guide on increasing your privacy online is amazing! Well to me it is anyway. It provides you with a number of things to make your web browser more private / secure and also gives you a list of browser add-ons to look at downloading. Now if I remember right I don't think this guy mentions 'Ghostery' and 'Better Privacy' which are definitely worth installing onto your browser. Here's a few other links:
2) PRIVATE SEARCH ENGINES - The best two that I've come across so far are and Personally though I prefer StartPage but I've used both.
3) ALWAYS USE A VPN - Ok so VPN stands for 'Virtual Private Network'. What it does is mask your IP address allowing whatever or whoever is tracking your connection to think that you're located somewhere completely different. NEVER USE TWO VPNs AT THE SAME TIME AS THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT! There are a number of great VPNs but the one I use most is IPVANISH. The main reason for this is because on most of the forums people have said, as well as IPVANISH themselves stating that they don't store logs but be warned that the logs are stored on your PC instead so just make sure to delete these using software that permanently deletes the files. Which leads me on to.......
4) PERMANENT DELETION SOFTWARE - Now I know of a few people that use CCleaner but personally I prefer BleachBit. This software is incredible and does exact what you would expect it to.
5) PREVENTING DDOS ATTACKS - I should have mentioned this earlier but using a VPN helps prevent you becoming a victim of DDOS attacks. DDOS stands for 'Distributed Denial of Service'. This means someone floods your router with a shit tonne of packets making your router sticks it's head between it's legs and giving up until either the attack stops or your restart your router (hopefully you were sensible enough to change your router settings so that you have a dynamic IP). If you're using a VPN though it makes it more difficult for the DDOSer to target your ACTUAL IP address.
6) DDOS ATTACKS - Ok so you're curious how to perform a DDOS and have looked at YouTube videos containing tutorials on how to carry them out. Those videos are complete shit and you will only end up DDOSing yourself....have fun with that
7) ANTI-MALWARE SOFTWARE - Ok so one of the most important bits of software which if you don't have one already you should strongly consider burning your pc and never touch one again....Nah I'm joking
8) STAYING COMPLETELY PRIVATE - So we all know that 100% anonymity isn't and never will be possibly but you can make sure that it's more difficult for anyone to track you by following most of the points in this post. If you want 100% anonymity / privacy then you can do this by......Burning ALL technology that you own and moving home to a cave on a deserted island
9) STORE PRECIOUS THINGS OFF OF YOUR PC - Remember that if you hold certain things precious to make sure to store them on an encrypted USB device and encrypt all of the files individually so that should you decide to move a few of the files to another device then they're already encrypted.
10) ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE - Personally I use GPG4WIN as this software is incredible and if I remember right I think it was Tungfa on the DashTalk forums that posted a tutorial on how to use the software.
11) PRIVACY SOFTWARE - Just check out this website, it's incredible:
Prism Break has software for computers and phones so it's perfect for everyday life.
Another great website is The Guardian Project which can be found here:
12) THE 'TOR' BROWSER - If you want even more privacy and security then check out the TOR browser. This broswer masks your IP address and you can even use it with a VPN active which provides even more privacy. This is also your gateway to the .onion sites which can't be accessed from a normal web browser.
Here's something that should also help:
13) PRIVATE MESSAGING - If you want to send someone a message and make sure that it's deleted straight away after they've read it then check this out:
You could even send someone the public key for the encrypted document / message that you're sending them separarely using this service for extra security / privacy.
14) USE A VIRTUAL MACHINE - With a virtual machine it can literally act like a temporary pc where once you're finished doing what you need to do on it all data from it is permanently wiped. Tungfa posted about this here:
16) CONSTANTLY NEW EMAIL ACCOUNTS WITHOUT NEEDING ANOTHER EMAIL - Check out: You don't need to enter another email address when setting up an account, you don't need to enter personal details and it only takes seconds to setup a new email.
If anyone else has anything that would like to add to this then please feel free to do so. As I said at the start I created this with the intention of hopefully helping someone out even if it's only one person in the end.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post guys