Pre-Proposal: HuitPro - Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.

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Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the proposal for a HuitPro - Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.

Important links:
Pre-Proposal document:
Official Document

Full Budget
Budget1 - Budget2

Action Plan
First Step - Second Step


Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.


  • Introduce Dash into a constant growing market of labor activities covering more than 100 million of active workers.
  • Increase the Dash visibility as a cryptocurrency with high versatility of payment method utility.
  • Adoption campaign through practice use of Dash.
  • Spread out the exposition range of Dash in a growing market of Internet workers.
  • Expand Dash utility as a payment method to obtain professional services via Internet focus in projects.
  • Expand Dash as a cryptocurrency that can be obtain as a principal source of income.
  • Encourage the creation of more self-sustaining ecosystems that use Dash as Exchange principal method.
  • Huge contribution on the improvement of the Freelancer economic development.


Freelance is an activity realized by a person who works by his own or is dedicated to do projects autonomously that allows development in their profession.

Been a freelancer is relatively simple, in theory any person with access to internet could offer their services or work skills in return of a monetary remuneration, whatsoever is not simply is been a successful freelancer; which carry a great process of learning based on trial and error.

Quality, efficiency and experience define the people inside the Freelance world; is an economic activity of high level competitive, your skills are compare against millions of people that expose their services as the best of their entry. The conventional freelancer obtain their first profit by completed work between 2 and 3 months after starting into this world. Even though, exist 53 million of freelancer in Latin America.

The freelancer profile is a perfect target for DASH adoption because it have technology knowledge and a payment method based in Internet. In addition, they are a quantity of workers in constant growth who own more adquisition power and more consumption via Internet. And they all have one major problem in common, which is the ease of use of your money effort from your work.

HUITPRO will recruit, train and encourage the big Freelancer community around the world to use Dash in substitution of the conventional payment method, to earn income through our platform.

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This project will focus in the creation of web platform named HUITPRO, which has as a main goal to exchange services and products between companies, startups and freelancers, creating an ecosystem where all can work together in any project.

The principal benefit and difference that have Huitpro against other similar pages is that the user will use as a payment method Dash, a decentralize cryptocurrency whose receiving and sending transactions are fast and save thanks to its instant send and private send system.

The first services that will be offer are:
  • Transcriptions and translations

  • Graphic design

  • Digital marketing

  • Technology and programming

  • Business

  • Music and animation

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The freelance platform performance is based in three important fundaments: The escrow system, the dispute system and Dash transactions. Besides the terms of the parts that participate in the platform.

Escrow system

Procedure where is generated a deposit contract that guarantees the payment. It must do the following steps:

  1. The user that request a service (the client), post the project that wants to be done in the platform.

  2. Then the client receives different proposals of freelancers and he chooses the work that will be done.

  3. When the work proposal is chosen, the client transfers the Dash funds anticipated to the platform so Huitpro reserves the money.
  4. When the work is done and accepted by the client, he will release the payment and will be transferred to the freelancer. This will increase the confidence between the client and the freelancer in the payment transaction.
The client will have the following advantages:

  • Guarantees that he will receive the requested service.

  • Eliminate the fear of giving the payment before the freelancer finish the requested work.

  • If the service requested by the client does not fit with the expectations, it can be request a dispute process where the client could obtain a refund of the payment and could hire another freelancer.

In addition, the freelancer has the following advantages:

  • Guarantees and secures the payment.

  • Guarantees that the payment will be delivered on time when the Project is completely finished.

  • It allows that remote works be secure and trustworthy.

  • El sistema de disputa permitirá que el FreeLancer pueda defender su trabajo en caso de que el cliente no de su aprobación. The dispute system will allow the freelancer guard his work in the case the client does not approve it.

Dispute system

The disputes are claim mechanisms associated to a service that allow the resolution of a complaint requested by the client or the freelancer and are only managed by the system manager or the system administrators.

Terms of a dispute

A dispute is the process of reviewing of a service, in the case that the terms managed by the client and the freelancer are not completely fulfilled. To initiate this process, any of the users can request a dispute process opening.

This process is describe in the following statements:

  • The client and the freelancer have the right to request one. After that, the claimant has to fill a dispute formulary where all the relevant information of the service and the request reasons must be explained.

  • It allows the access to the buy-sell chat between both parts by the system administratrors.

  • It will be open a 24-hour period where both parts will established the conditions and terms for the project as execution time, approval standards, etc. This information is required by e-mail.

  • Must not exist any type of communication between the administrators of the dispute and the users of the platform.

  • When the dispute is happening, it´s given a 24 hours period to give a response. If one of the parts do not deliver the information in that period, he automatically loses the dispute.

  • The common problems in the dispute form are plagiarism, Quality standard agreed or quantity of work delivered.

  • The dispute can happen in any stage of the Project. It allow a maximum of three disputes per service. If this quantity is reach, the service is automatically cancel.

  • During the dispute time, the seller can continue doing the product or service and finish it. However if the dispute time is over and the project is not finished, the seller loses the opportunity of winning the dispute or receiving the payment.

  • Dispute status: Request, Review, Process.

  • It is necessary a management module for the administrators. The users can review their previous disputes and resolutions; however, they will not be able to manage any dispute requested.

Dash payment transactions.

Involves any transaction of the Dash cryptocurrency associated to the request of a service. These transactions are registered in the Dash Blockchain, and will be registered in the system for management and monitoring.

All the transactions have a mediator, who will be the system managers, this means that any client or freelancer should not be able of perform a direct transaction between them. In that case, the system will not be responsible for the money involved.

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First of all not a good start to have already posted your proposal. pre-proposals should be given sufficient time for some discussions.

Anyway, I got 2 questions. Why exactly are you qualified to do this. And can you please provide a more detailed breakdown of your budget.

Also since you are already working on this since last November do you have a prototype we could look at. What have you already done and what needs to be done still?
Isn't this dude @Andres Larez doing another proposal for a Drone Racing idea?

If that's true then how will you guys do both the things together and then what is your core competence?

Seems like you are trying to pitch as many ideas as possible and hoping something sticks..

Please explain.
First of all not a good start to have already posted your proposal. pre-proposals should be given sufficient time for some discussions.

Anyway, I got 2 questions. Why exactly are you qualified to do this. And can you please provide a more detailed breakdown of your budget.

Also since you are already working on this since last November do you have a prototype we could look at. What have you already done and what needs to be done still?

Hello! Thanks for your interest in more information about our project.
We just updated the thread of the forum with the detailed budget and a link to observe our ROAD MAP. HuitPro has 8 fundamental steps to carry out what is proposed. We are currently in step 3 (TEST). Up to this point it involves the development of the idea, the development of the platform, the training of the team that will be in charge of supporting the client, the maintenance of the platform and the formal constitution of the company domain.
Step 4 (Instruct), ends at the end of April and should be accompanied by the approval of the Dash community. We will also publish the demo of the platform so that potential users and customers will become familiar with it.

In our official document (Which will be published between today and tomorrow), our allies in technical development will be well detailed, allied in personal training and commercial allies.

ARAtechnology, is a great incubator of adoption projects. We seek to bring the conventional world closer to a decentralized free economy without borders.
Our team has experience in the hands of freelancers for more than 5 years. We take into account everything necessary to carry out a project of this size.
Isn't this dude @Andres Larez doing another proposal for a Drone Racing idea?

If that's true then how will you guys do both the things together and then what is your core competence?

Seems like you are trying to pitch as many ideas as possible and hoping something sticks..
Please explain.
I am excited that you have commented on our forum thread, as we did not see much community participation in our previous threads regarding the Drones race proposal.
ARAtechnoloy (Our company), is responsible for carrying out different adoption projects, we carry out a process of idea development, project planning and start-up that cover times longer than 3 months for a project to come to light and be presented to a community. That is, we have matured the idea with a lot of work time.
If you look at our Road Map we are working on HuitPro since November 2017. It is not a small project with a vague idea in search of financing. We really want to bring the world of Freelance to the DAsh community, the benefit for both communities is obvious.

As an active part of the Dash community, I can say that I would love to enter a Freelance portal and be able to acquire services in exchange for Dash. And as a Freelancer with more than 5 years of experience I would like to receive payments in Dash in exchange for my effort through a platform.

With respect to @Andres Larez , he is my team mate and leader of ARAtechnology, he will be present in all the projects that we do and I also.
@Manuel Artahona , @Isabel , @jose larez , @Pedro Herrera, @Andres A. Medina Lanza, @AndresVAP . They are also part of our team, and we have very detailed activities and tasks for both projects that will lead us to carry them out without major setbacks.
The implementation of HuitPro does not interfere with any activity required in the proposal of the race of Drones.

I am the director of this proposal and @Andres Larez is in charge of the DASH LATAM DRONE RACIN 2018.
I have got some more questions. Since you are asking to get some of the money you already spent back how much of your own funds have and will you spend on this project? Second what exactly is your business model what kind of fees can users of the platform expect?

And lastly, you should sign an exclusivity agreement with core that only allows you to use dash and not other cryptos for a certain period of time.
I have got some more questions. Since you are asking to get some of the money you already spent back how much of your own funds have and will you spend on this project? Second what exactly is your business model what kind of fees can users of the platform expect?

And lastly, you should sign an exclusivity agreement with core that only allows you to use dash and not other cryptos for a certain period of time.
Hello again.
We have spent $ 4500, development of the page, marketing packages focused on Latin American public, staff training and team training. We also pre-rent the spaces that we will use for support and customer service. Obviously more the 5 Dash of the proposal. It would be a total of $ 6000 so far.
We knew that we had to include some kind of contract directly with the Core, in fact we were preparing for drastic changes due to the early coming of Evolution.
Thank you for mentioning it. Could you tell me who I should contact to agree this? We already have a fairly detailed contract for the operation of the SRS page. But for reasons of intellectual protection and agreements with developers we could only give access to this contract to certain people within the Dash community (Core members and developers)
I have got some more questions. Since you are asking to get some of the money you already spent back how much of your own funds have and will you spend on this project? Second what exactly is your business model what kind of fees can users of the platform expect?

And lastly, you should sign an exclusivity agreement with core that only allows you to use dash and not other cryptos for a certain period of time.
With our proposal we cover 3 months of operation, this means that we do not have to include large fees to users. Now the monthly operating costs are $ 7,800.
The platform will be charged for the number of active publications (with a minimum of 1 free of charge), will be charged for reviewing disputes and will be charged for the acquisition of services.
The costs will be (5 x transaction fee approximately $ 1.50) for the aforementioned. For Freelancer
The costs will be (10 x transaction fee approximately $ 3) for the clients.
Success criteria are in the traffic of users for the platform to be self-sustaining.
Taking into account that the sum of the active freelancer in Upwork + Feelancer + Fiverr. It is more than 100 million people. With only having an acceptance and adoption of only 0.5% of this community. We completely cover all expenses and we will continually reward the growth of the platform to achieve maximum adoption of Dash.
Note: Only in Latin America there are more than 20 million active freelancer. We would like all of these to be active on our platform.
Hi @Ronaldarreaza

Can you please answer @AshFrancis here as you said you would on the forum.
Please answer Point by point the highlighted parts and how these things help Dash instead of bringing up his proposal

@AshFrancis lives in the UK which is more expensive than vz If i am correct, so please keep that in mind

As another proposal owner who has furnished an office at a low budget... your furnishing costs are massively inflated. You're asking for $15,000 to do what we did in $1500, admittedly for 4 people as opposed to 8 but this is an unreasonable amount.

Examples of exorbitant costs:
$250 per desk, we paid $50 per desk
$150 for a microwave - second hand for $30
$300 for a fridge - second hand for $40

$2750 for network cabling - but you're hosting on amazon web services and you're using wifi? Also since when did 100m of Cat5 cost more than $30?

Why do you even need a UPS if you're all using laptops and aren't self hosting?
Carpet, painting, decoration, internet installation, air conditioner - all unnecessary costs if you had a serviced office.

Is the internet really $300 / month where you are? Along with $1000 Set-up costs?
Hi @Ronaldarreaza

Can you please answer @AshFrancis here as you said you would on the forum.
Please answer Point by point the highlighted parts and how these things help Dash instead of bringing up his proposal

@AshFrancis lives in the UK which is more expensive than vz If i am correct, so please keep that in mind

As another proposal owner who has furnished an office at a low budget... your furnishing costs are massively inflated. You're asking for $15,000 to do what we did in $1500, admittedly for 4 people as opposed to 8 but this is an unreasonable amount.

Examples of exorbitant costs:
$250 per desk, we paid $50 per desk
$150 for a microwave - second hand for $30
$300 for a fridge - second hand for $40

$2750 for network cabling - but you're hosting on amazon web services and you're using wifi? Also since when did 100m of Cat5 cost more than $30?

Why do you even need a UPS if you're all using laptops and aren't self hosting?
Carpet, painting, decoration, internet installation, air conditioner - all unnecessary costs if you had a serviced office.

Is the internet really $300 / month where you are? Along with $1000 Set-up costs?

Hello how are you! IF you allow me, I will answer your question.

I am very happy that @AshFrancis managed to extend the funds to the maximum! This points out the great effort they have put in when it comes to working! A lot of success in your project.

Now we propose a much larger project of the @AshFrancis . We are preparing to have a traffic of customers and users over 30 thousand people for the first month after the platform is operational. This requires a spacious desk to have organized, they also require servers and computers on 24/7, unfortunately in my country there are many electrical problems. And with the UPS we want to have energy for as long as possible.

The national internet providers are not so good and the minimum requirements that we have make us require private satellite internet services whose headquarters are not in our country for which the costs of installation and maintenance are high.

We can not afford to have microwaves second hand and much less microwave that are not of your company, many people will live within HuitPro and require heating their food properly.

Now I have a couple of questions for @AshFrancis and for you @jeremy54 . If we are talking about comparisons about quality of work and efficiency, let's see something.

Budget of UK-Fiat-To-Dash-Exchange-And-Marketing

The project of @AshFrancis , has much less coverage than that the one of us. But the total of its operation and development costs are far superior to ours.

Also @AshFrancis specifies that he needs more than $25000 to accommodate the office. As they did to only spend $1500.

Now one last quotation. Imagine that you have our project in your hands. Do you think they can take it to the $1500 office? They post in the forum

We started working on this project long before we knew we could introduce it into Dash's treasury. Months of preparation, development and maturation of our proposal made us reach this detailed budget.
Not all proposals have a budget and a road map as detailed and tramsparent as ours. Truth @AshFrancis ? If not, we would not have had this conversation
What about the $240 decorations? Can you give us a breakdown for that?

$2750 for cables? how many yards of cable and what price per yard?
Where will these 30 Thousand people come from @Andres Larez ?

In workana there are 300 thousand active freelancers, and this is the page with the lowest flow between Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr (Where there is a large number of Latin American freelancers).

"It is no secret that the ranks of freelancers are growing. According to the Freelancers Union, 54 million Americans currently work as freelancers. In India, an estimated 15 million workers are independent professionals, and in Europe the number of freelancers is said to be around 8.9 million. "
Lisa Strickland
November 13, 2016

There are 4514 registered Dash users in Dash Central and there are many more in the forum.
If the project has a success of 10% adoption in the community of Dash, 0.5% in the North American and European community, and 5% acceptance in the Latin American community. We will have a total success. Taking into account that only 60% of registered freelancer are successful. This only without counting the number of clients that require all these services offered.
Good afternoon @Argon31 answering your question, regarding the $ 2750 network cable was indeed an error on our part at the time of placing the description. however, if you detail the budget that we are requesting for internet services, the total amount is $ 4345. And according to an investigation that our team made before making the budget we have that the average cost of a good satellite internet is between $ 3000 and $ 5000.

Here you have 2 links so you can see them
Hi Andres

You have looked at our breakdown spreadsheet and you know perfectly well that the £25,000 budget is not ALL for office equipment as your $15,000 which you are comparing it to is. As you know our office equipment budget was £2,300. The rest of the £25,000 budget is accounted for in the spreadsheet that you have looked at and, due to the downturn of Dash, has been cut back hugely.

I don't want to get into a mud slinging fight as that doesn't benefit anyone but I don't think it is fair for you to quote a figure of £25,000 that is our breakdown for all of our one off costs when compared to just your office costs. By the way, If anyone is curious about our proposal and our spending do feel free to come on our Discord and message me and I will try to answer any questions you have!(I am Rich by the way if you haven't seen our update thread!).

We actually discussed your proposal in our office and to be completely fair to you I don't necessarily believe that the actual idea of your proposal is bad (or that ours is even necessarily better).

We also appreciate that some of your costs will be higher than ours due to your location and that you have higher needs in terms of staffing numbers. You must also respect that we live in one of the most expensive countries in the world so there are probably areas that are more expensive here.

I personally believe that certain areas of your costs are over inflated and that Dash shouldn't be paying for non-essential items, however, this is your proposal and you are perfectly within your rights to ask for any amount for anything but you do need to be prepared to defend those costs and explain their need, especially with the Dash treasury as tight as it is.
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Hi Andres

You have looked at our breakdown spreadsheet and you know perfectly well that the £25,000 budget is not ALL for office equipment as your $15,000 which you are comparing it to is. As you know our office equipment budget was £2,300. The rest of the £25,000 budget is accounted for in the spreadsheet that you have looked at and, due to the downturn of Dash, has been cut back hugely.

I don't want to get into a mud slinging fight as that doesn't benefit anyone but I don't think it is fair for you to quote a figure of £25,000 that is our breakdown for all of our one off costs when compared to just your office costs. By the way, If anyone is curious about our proposal and our spending do feel free to come on our Discord and message me and I will try to answer any questions you have!(I am Rich by the way if you haven't seen our update thread!).

We actually discussed your proposal in our office and to be completely fair to you I don't necessarily believe that the actual idea of your proposal is bad (or that ours is even necessarily better).

We also appreciate that some of your costs will be higher than ours due to your location and that you have higher needs in terms of staffing numbers. You must also respect that we live in one of the most expensive countries in the world so there are probably areas that are more expensive here.

I personally believe that certain areas of your costs are over inflated and that Dash shouldn't be paying for non-essential items, however, this is your proposal and you are perfectly within your rights to ask for any amount for anything but you do need to be prepared to defend those costs and explain their need, especially with the Dash treasury as tight as it is.

Thank you for your intervention, call me crazy but I prefer that people criticize every word we have written and every number we have calculated from our budget. This shows true interest in the community

By the way your proposal is great and you have a good team. I still do not understand why they decided to attack us so frontally in Dachcentral. I do not see it as an offense, it just makes me curious. Whatever the price of Dash, your budget is much higher.
There are 6 billion in the world, if you get only 1 per cent of them , you will have 60 million users. Why only 30 thousand?

Sorry, This is not how this works. You people are sounding like complete scammers to me reading your fake and inflated budget costs and multi-proposals.
Like scammy pump proposal artists.

In workana there are 300 thousand active freelancers, and this is the page with the lowest flow between Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr (Where there is a large number of Latin American freelancers).

"It is no secret that the ranks of freelancers are growing. According to the Freelancers Union, 54 million Americans currently work as freelancers. In India, an estimated 15 million workers are independent professionals, and in Europe the number of freelancers is said to be around 8.9 million. "
Lisa Strickland
November 13, 2016

There are 4514 registered Dash users in Dash Central and there are many more in the forum.
If the project has a success of 10% adoption in the community of Dash, 0.5% in the North American and European community, and 5% acceptance in the Latin American community. We will have a total success. Taking into account that only 60% of registered freelancer are successful. This only without counting the number of clients that require all these services offered.
There are 6 billion in the world, if you get only 1 per cent of them , you will have 60 million users. Why only 30 thousand?

Sorry, This is not how this works. You people are sounding like complete scammers to me reading your fake and inflated budget costs and multi-proposals.
Like scammy pump proposal artists.
We all have different points of view. For now we take care of causing great impacts of adoption in the real world.

Do you think our budget is inflated? Have you had experience in supporting high flow platforms ?. Or a web platform for everyday use?

We would like to know how to improve our proposal from your point of view, all complain about the high budget, when we are working on this project since November. It is not a project that we are carrying out lightly.
There are 6 billion in the world, if you get only 1 per cent of them , you will have 60 million users. Why only 30 thousand?

Sorry, This is not how this works. You people are sounding like complete scammers to me reading your fake and inflated budget costs and multi-proposals.
Like scammy pump proposal artists.
On behalf of someone like you, any comment sounds harassing.
I do not know what work experience you have, or if your knowledge of market research is much higher and we can not see them. Anyway, I'll explain.

In a market research, depending on the innovative, easy to use or with great social impact. These are the points that define the market share that should correspond when entering it.
That is, if we are going to carry out a Freelance platform. My market of clients and users are the people that work in these platforms offering their services and the clients that acquire them, demographically speaking it would be the Latin American population of freelancer and the clients are all those people with possibilities to pay for these services and those who require.

Now with this in mind, we increase both figures by putting Dash as the only payment method. (Since simply paying with Dash is incredibly easy). To this you add the number of people who want to take cryptocurrencies in exchange for work.
Why 30 thousand? Because that is what the budget we are taking covers. 30 thousand active people symbolize structurally and logistically everything that we put in our road map and our budget. If you look good we are since November in this ..