Pre Proposal: Give DCG a Deadline to wind down their Reserve fund investments in registered instruments.


Staff member
Chief Sock Advisor
Will link discussion on other threads later, just wanted to remember. Bookmark for later.

Cash or cash equivalents please, don't play the legacy markets with DAO Treasury funds.
Will link discussion on other threads later, just wanted to remember. Bookmark for later.

Cash or cash equivalents please, don't play the legacy markets with DAO Treasury funds.

Sorry, but only this one word presents how incompetent you are in the field of money management in case of company like DCG.
What experience in company finance management makes you so confident to write such (naive) statement?

No emotional and/or ideological approach should be taken into consideration.

PS. Cash equivalents ARE ”legacy markets”.
And DCG is not a finance company, it is a development company for the Dash Network, reserves were sold to the voters as
dollar deonimated, cash, we won't even speak of the impairments that have occurred over the last 3 quarters, don't talk to me
about cash management. What happens if the crypto markets don't recover before the reserves are exhausted, bleeding $130K
in reserves a month, asking for supplementals, and playing the legacy markets with only one C level officer left in DCG. Brilliant!
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You were a solid COO to work with as a sub contractor. But I do like ranting and raving too, we can bring @xkcd in here for a trusted
advice on market conditions, When you are in an REIT or some other instrument, oh well, cash <> dash that was my understanding
of what building a reserve meant.
I'd like to know how much dry powder DCG has on hand.
Some pie charts, Glenn used to provide that, never got to talk to Glenn.
Not mad at what he did, the reserves are the salvation of DCG, I am not trying to
micro manage their accounting, but if there is no CFO in place, just get back on dry
land and dry off.
DCG has a Compensation Resreve Fund it built up during the bull market, they have sold that Dash for USD
and turned around and invested in things like REITs, Energy, etc, look at the discussion in the Quarterly Reports.
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I think @AgnewPickens makes a fair point. Money management, and therefore risk management, is absolutely critical. If you're in survival mode, you should not be playing with REITs and the like. Get your house in order first. Would be nice if Glenn returned.
I am a day trader on a minnow budget, and I have managed my tiny portfolio better than these legacy pros, when Dash hit 150 USD, I was
buying Silver with my Dash pay, I am Sigmund Patrick has seen some of the serious market anyalsis that goes in in Dash Legion Discord, our free pro
trading group invite only.