

Dash Text will be the first service to offer Dash Wallets over SMS, it is the fastest and easiest way to receive Dash, and it is one of the most practical applications for people, specially in developing countries where smartphone access and internet access is limited. Our goal is to provide easy access to Dash for everyone.
Only around 40% of people in Venezuela have smartphones, this means that there are still millions of people who can't use Dash even if they wanted to. We plan to change that. Source: https://newzoo.com/insights/rankings/top-50-countries-by-smartphone-penetration-and-users/
3- THE SOLUTION:An SMS Wallet service that allows anyone to create and manage a fully functional Dash Wallet only by texting, no need for registration, or downloads, or any hassles, just text and start Dashing, no internet connection required !

Lorenzo Rey: Project Lead. I am an Electronic Engineer, CTO of Dash Help (Support Center) and Dash Merchant - Massive Adoption Program. I am also a spokesperson for Dash in Venezuela and Latin America, I've been the speaker in Dash Caracas conferences, in Dash Youth conferences and presentations, and in events such as the Crypto Latin Fest. I've worked with Rodrigo from Dash Brasil, and with Sam Barbosa, Developer of the Dash Core Team. I've also been an advisor for many other projects such as Dash Trip, Dash Youth, Agrocognitive, and more. DASH Forum: LorenzoRey, Telegram: LorenzoRey, Discord: LorenzoReyC Ig: LorenzoReyC Tw: LorenzoReyC
Alejandro Echeverría: Mechanical Engineer, co-founder of Dash Help - Support Center and Dash Merchant Venezuela. He is also advisor for some teams in the Dash Community like Dash Argentina and Dash Youth Venezuela. Dedicated himself to make profitable business models (Easymed, TuGruero- https://tugruero.io/, Ctrl+C-USB). DASH Forum/Discord: AlejandroE. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-echeverrria-b739b1101/).
Carlos Echeverria: He´s got a degree in Business Administration from UNIMET (Universidad Metropolitana) in Caracas, Venezuela. He has been in charge of the finance and administration of all above companies as equal business asociated. (Ig: carlosjem1993. Tw: carlosjem. DASH Forum/Discord: carlosjem/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-echeverria-081a57a9/).
Carlos Heinze: Production engineer from USB (Universidad Simon Bolivar) in Caracas, Venezuela. He has been in charge of the operations of customer service, call center support and logistic of all above companies as equal business asociate. (Ig/Tw: @nachoheinze. DASH Forum: Carlos Heinze. Discord: CarlosH, Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-heinze-43483ab8/).

We will work in alliance with some Venezuelans and non-Venezuelans teams that have been funded by the Dash treasury, in this way we will work aligned and coordinated to achieve the same goal: massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela. Following are the allies:
- Dash Help - Support Center: led by Alejandro Echeverría (AlejandroE). Dash Help is the first support center of Dash (and any cryptocurrency) in the world. Prividing assistance to 6 countries already via phone calls, chat, and ticket support. All the assistance and problem solving about Dash Text will be channeled thru Dash Help.
-Dash Merchant Venezuela: led by Alejandro Echeverria (AlejandroE). Dash Merchant Venezuela is a massive adoption program for merchants to accept Dash as payment method for their products and services. We will help small merchants who don't have PCs or Smartphones so they can accept Dash as payment with our SMS Wallet service.
-Dash Youth: led by Santos Bermudez (@Santos Bermúdez Ruiz). Dash Youth Venezuela is an organization focused on spreading knowledge about cryptocurrencies and the DASH Network by giving a series of lectures for students of Middle Schools and Universities. We will work with them teaching students on how the can receive and send Dash without internet connection or smartphones.
Contact Information:
Email Address: [email protected]
Website: www.dashtext.com
Social Networks:
-Facebook: Dash Text
-Instagram: @dashtext
-Twitter: @dash_text

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