Hello Dash Community, last saturday (feb 24th, 2018) we were (once again)
giving support and help to all the attendees of the
5th Dash Caracas Conference (special guest: Samuel Barbosa - Core Android developer of the Core Team).
Once again
we helped 237 people. We are attaching a chart which shows the classification of the problems that people had, we solved 236 cases, the only 1 remaining was a person who had problem with the internet connection, and after a exhaustive tests we concluded that it has a problem with his phone (he had an old phone from the chinese manufacturer ZTE). Also,
we took the opportunity to teach people how to monitor the network in their walletS, how to recover it using the recovery phrase, change the currency (exchanges rate), etc. The attendees were very thanksful for our service and soon we will post a video with testimonials.
Besides, our tech director Lorenzo Camejo (LorenzoRey), was at the conference as part of the experts panel who responded all kind of questions from the attendees and twitter, he had a great participation! (check picture below). Also, you can see his participation here
Also, we have some recommendations for the Android Wallet in order to make it more user friendly and intuitive. Since Samuel Barbosa was at the event, we talked to him about this issue and he told us to send him all the corrections we have by email, and also write them in Github.
We are happy to help end users and also to the Core Team to improve the Dash products, we love to help!

With Samuel Barbosa (Android Developer - Dash Core Team)