Open Bazaar Universal Google Hangout (Thursday June 25)



I joined the Open Bazaar Slack Channel so I can stay up to date with the development progress there. This was posted earlier and I thought some of you might be interested. If you cant make it and have any specific questions to be asked, leave them here and Ill try to ask them.

We will be hosting a universal Google Hangout for all those interested in joining next Thursday (6/25) to lay out the roadmap for the project and answer Q&A

Google Hangout (6/25) Open to All for OpenBazaar Interested Parties • /r/OpenBazaar
Next Thursday we will be hosting an open Google Hangout to lay out the roadmap for the future of the OpenBazaar project and answer Q&A from the...
If you have any questions or thoughts on what you’d like to see presented there please email [email protected] or me personally at [email protected]