November Update - Understanding the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses and merchants


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(This is also posted on the pre proposal forum, but getting lost there)

Understanding the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses and merchants

November 2017 update

The project is on track and progressing well.


Stage one

The Jeweller Magazine published our article on Dash on 16 October 2017 - see here for copy of article. We developed the survey with input from the Dash Community. The survey was issued to the National Association of Jeweller's membership on 18 October 2017.

Stage two

Raising the profile of Dash.
We secured good coverage of the survey’s launch in the Jewellery sector Trade Press.

In addition Dash is being featured in an in depth feature in Jewellery Focus monthly review that was published in November for subscribers only. This was a result of our work in this field.


The survey closed on 13th November and we have had responses from 201 companies. The survey took an average timing of about 17 minutes to complete. We received 41 complete returns and 160 partial responses - which provides us with a useful pool of information to draw from. Respondents came from across the sector, and from a wide range of turnovers, including some of the largest UK firms in the sector.

Next steps

We are beginning the analysis of data with a view to reporting back to the Dash community. Our report will include identification of key issues and barriers sighted by merchants and an outline of issues we need to progress.

Emerging themes include - education, security, costs, knowledge, and inevitably compliance concerns. We are pleased by the number of people who are open to the possibilities of using Dash in their business. We have been in touch with the Core team regarding the work that has already been done on KYC/AML compliance.

Integration studies

We have had multiple expressions of interest from companies seeking to be involved in the integration projects. We will take steps to progress these in December, but most likely these will be taken forward in January, due the the Christmas season being the busiest time of the year for this industry.

Financial position

The Dash price has moved favourably and in light of this the project will use any surplus to carry forward and subsidise the next steps.

Next steps

During December we will

  • analyse the survey

  • make contact with winners of Dash who took part in the survey and set up winners with wallets and transfer Dash ( 5 Dash for one winner and nine runners up with 2 Dash each).

  • Attend the awards dinner, representing Dash, which should generate further trade press coverage

  • Begin integration studies
In January we will;
  • continue to conduct the integration studies and report findings, with proposed next steps

#37CaptAhab, Nov 21, 2017
December 2017 Update

In line with our project proposal, during December we have carried out the following;

Analyse the survey
We have a draft report prepared on the survey results, which includes proposed next steps informed by the responses received. We will be including specific worked up proposals on key areas of work and will be having further discussions with the NAJ’s new Chief Executive who takes up appointment in January.

These include important areas of work around overcoming negative perceptions of cryptocurrencies and extending awareness of Dash pre- Evolution, to make the ground ready for mainstreaming adoption post the Evolution release.

Make contact with winners of Dash who took part in the survey and set up winners with wallets and transfer Dash ( 5 Dash for one winner and nine runners up with 2 Dash each)
Dash winners were randomly selected and contacted in December. We have set up 6 of the 10 wallets and their funds have been sent, and we will be working with the other prize winners to set up their wallets in the New Year. We are in the process of preparing a press release to be issued in January by the NAJ.

Attend the awards dinner, representing Dash
We attended the NAJ Awards evening on 7 December 2017. Dash was the headline sponsor for the NAJ Awards event - We included this article in their Awards event brochure.



Since then we have been approached by others in the industry seeking Dash sponsorship for industry related initiatives - we will be considering this as a potential route for Dash for further exposure within this important sector. However the key to a sponsorship function is access to members and Dash must be mindful of this with future work. In our view it is not viable to simply offer sponsorship without other work included as part of a package.

Begin integration studies
We have had multiple expressions of interest from companies seeking to be involved in the integration projects. We have made contact with merchants who expressed an interest in participating in these feasibility studies and will be progressing these initially with 4 merchants during January.

The survey asked whether there was an appetite for a Technical forum/seminar, and there was not a great deal of interest so we are proceeding with feasibility integration studies as a better route.
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