Mega Dash Raffle - Project updates


Active member
Hi Community,

Mega Dash Raffle is a project approved in Dash Boost on Aug 2018 Cycle. Look our proposal detail

We want to open this thread to keep the DASH community updated and open the discussion about some rules and operating model, this is a product for Dash project fundraising.

It is a project in development stage, you can visit and play using tDash (testnet) in this temporary site (note: some times could be down due to dev activities)

it is our project plan

Please keep track of this project to have your feedback!
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Sep 19 - Project Updates
Hi everyone.

Today UX improvement prototype and Art Design activities was completed. Today Front end programming began.

Attached some UX screen concepts modeled:


USE CASE: CREATE AN USER (it is optional for bakers, mandatory for beneficiary project owners)


USE CASE: TRANSACTIONS BY USER (raffles ticket bought)

USE CASE: SIGN A RAFFLE PRIZE (as a beneficiary project owner, have to sign transaction to pay raffle prize)



Sep 25 - Project updates

Hi community,

This week MDR team will be finishing development activities and final configuration. Next will be testing stage and we'll be calling to community to test MDR platform before migration and final launch.

As may you know, we held a survey to collect opinions about some MDR operational parameters. Next we share result and final configuration report









  • Raffle creation process need proposal owner fill out a entire data sheet project and upload an image / picture (for advertising purposes on the platform)
  • Raffle creation fee will be 0.1 DASH (reimbursable after achieving the sale of 20 tickets, if the raffle expires without reaching that minimum goal, the fee will be part of the costs of the platform)
  • Anyone can register a Raffle
  • Each ticket sold will be distributed as follow: 50% to project / 40% to jackpot /10% to MDR platform improvement and maintenance
  • Each prize & beneficiary wallets will be multisign, there will be 2 signatories of which it will be necessary to sign to process payment transaction to the winner of the raffle and project beneficiary?
  • Backers can play anonymously, but the proposal owners must be registered, as well as the other possible signers of the prize wallets
  • Mega Dash Raffle should be a discord channel to support/help desk and proposal owners promote tickets sells
  • Raffle tickets price will be fixed as follow:
    • Mini Dash Raffle (ideal for projects that seek funds in Dash Boost): 0.01 DASH
    • Dash Raffle (ideal for projects that seek funds in Dash Central): 0.1 DASH
    • Mega Dash Raffle? (ideal for current Dash DAO projects that need funds to final release): 0.5 DASH
  • Raflle draws inicially will be totaly open, it mean community could create raffles without limitations
If anyone have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to write us.
Regards and thank you for supporting us


  • upload_2018-9-25_9-49-35.png
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Sep 10 - Project Updates

Hi everyone!

This post is to keep Dash community updated about Mega Dash Raffle project

  • All the user experience is designed and assembled
  • Landing page carousel development is in progress
  • Automatic deployment of active raffles in infinite scroll in development
  • Rules adjustment completed
  • Recovery of passwords in development
  • Create, sign and send funds process with multi-signature wallet, in development
Laywers already write our platform site terms of services, follow is the draft document:



Introduction and acceptance of terms

As a Project’s Proposal Owner (and for purposes of this contract a Non-Profit Organization Representative – NPOR) of Mega Dash Raffle, your access and use of the Mega Dash Raffle Service constitutes your agreement with, and acceptance of the Mega Dash Raffle Terms of Service outline below. A NPOR may be a charity, school, community association, sporting club or an individual or business fundraising for a Not-for Profit organization.

Service Overview

Mega Dash Raffle will utilize custom-designed software to create a raffle page and process online ticket sales on behalf of the Beneficiary. Mega Dash Raffle will supply this service in accordance with the legislation enforced by the government controlling body of the state(s) in which the raffle is to be held. Raffle ticket purchases external to **COUNTRY LIST** are not permitted.

Mega Dash Raffle will provide a public random algorithm number generator facility to allow for a 100% random drawing of the raffle event.

Mega Dash Raffle adherer’s to Responsible Gambling & Code of Conduct.

Service Fee (include GST)

· Raffle creation Fee – 0.1 DASH. Payable upon registration and refundable after raffle event reach 20 tickets sold.

· Service Fee – 10% of total gross ticket sales (DASH Digital Cash only).

· Benefit project (NPOR multisigned Wallet) – 50% of total gross tickets sales.

· Winner prize (multisigned Wallet)– 40% of total gross tickets sales. Retained from proceeds at the raffle’s conclusion.

Mega Dash Raffle is responsible for the all DASH fees and hosting costs related to the raffle page.

Responsibility of Mega Dash Raffle

Mega Dash Raffle will keep DASH Wallets for the purchase of raffle tickets and secure storage of bakers profile information (name and email)

Each raffle prize is held in a separate wallet from the Mega Dash Raffle wallet. Raffle proceeds, less the nominated service fee charged by Mega Dash Raffle, will be forwarded to the NPOR wallet immediately after each ticket sell have been processed.

As soon as a raffle being drawn. Mega Dash Raffle create payment transaction and sign prize wallet to send DASH to wallet’s winner. Transaction will be waiting until any of two other signers give their private seed to finish payment auditors process and send funds to the winner.

Anyone has access to full reports during and at the conclusion of each raffle. The raffle sales data remains the sole property of the Mega Dash Raffle platform. Mega Dash Raffle will not utilize in any manner, the personal information of the bakers.

Responsibility of NPOR

The project and the organization that supports it is the sole responsibility of NPOR, who accepts the terms and conditions and declares that its organization does not carry out illicit activities

Sign the winner wallet and publishing the raffle drawn details in a public space.

Solely responsible for the promotion and marketing of their raffle event.

Conducting the raffle in accordance with the requirements of the government controlling body in their state / country.

Obtaining the relevant permit(s), when required, to enable the NPOR to conduct a raffle.

NPOR Login

As NPOR user will contain the personal information (name, email and wallet to receive their % of ticket raffle sells), you must keep your login information safe, private and secure at all times.

Indemnity for misuse of NPOR Login information

Mega Dash Raffle accepts no liability for acts carried out by any person using your NPOR user login information, and you indemnify Mega Dash Raffle from any costs, expenses or damages payable in connection with your breach of the NPOR Login requirements.

As the creator of your organization’s Raffle Page, you agree to not:

· infringe the intellectual property rights (including copyright) of any third party;

· detrimentally affect the brand or reputation of Mega Dash Raffle or any affiliates or partners of Mega Dash Raffle;

· be misleading or deceptive as to the nature, type, service or benefits of the Content;

· contain information that is inaccurate, ambiguous, exaggerated, defamatory or untrue;

· send junk email or spam to people who do not wish to receive email from You;

· remove, alter, add to or change anything on the Raffle Page other than Your organization’s logo, prize pictures and QR code.

Mega Dash Raffle reserves the right to remove or edit any content posted on the Raffle Page, Dash forum, Dash Discord and / or reddit channel at its sole discretion, without notice and without liability if we deem the content to be inappropriate and or in breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property Rights

The NPOR indemnifies Mega Dash Raffle from any costs, expenses, claims or damages paid or payable by Mega Dash Raffle in connection with a claim by any person that the NPOR infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of that person.

For the purposes of these Terms, “Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to:
patents, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, registered and unregistered designs, registered and unregistered trademarks, knowhow and the right to have confidential information kept confidential; and

The NPOR grants to Mega Dash Raffle a royalty free, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, license to use, the NPOR’s details in terms of logo, and website as a promotional tool for Mega Dash Raffle.


During the registration process Mega Dash Raffle take reasonable steps to substantiate the Not-For-Profit status of the organization.

Mega Dash Raffle accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of our NPORs on the Raffle Facility.

Mega Dash Raffle accepts no liability for ensuring that any Beneficiary applies the proceeds received from a raffle event in any particular way.

For our standard service, Mega Dash Raffle is only responsible for the raffle wallet prizes and its distribution. The NPOR must deal with any bakers dissatisfaction regarding the prize(s) and/or the distribution of the prize(s). Where the NPOR has enlisted the services of Mega Dash Raffle to supply prizes, Mega Dash Raffle will deal with any customer enquiry/concerns directly.

The NPOR must ensure that they meet the requirements of Government legislation in their state / country with regard to prize in DASH. Mega Dash Raffle takes no responsibility for the appropriateness of the funds sent to NPOR wallet, however we reserve the right to suspend the progress of the raffle if for some reason the content is questionable.

Mega Dash Raffle has made every effort to provide a reliable service for our NPORs. However, in the unlikely event that our service is disrupted due to a computer virus, hosting or network failure, unauthorized intervention or circumstances beyond our control, which may lead to a loss in ticket sales, Mega Dash Raffle is indemnified by our NPOR and bears no liability.

While Mega Dash Raffle strives to make the Government information on our website as timely and accurate as possible, we make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this site, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site. The onus is on our NPOR to research the Government Regulations as it applies to them specifically and take any necessary actions with regard to registrations or permits.

Mega Dash Raffle has taken measures to ensure a secure payment process and storage of personal information for ticket buyers. However, our NPORs recognize that Mega Dash Raffle cannot be held responsible for hacking or malicious attack.

Refund Policy

NPOR – Termination

Either party may terminate the online raffle before the commencement of the raffle event, but must do so by written notification by email. In the event of the NPOR instigating the cancellation, the Raffle Establishment Fee of 0.1 DASH will be retained by Mega Dash Raffle as the cancellation fee.

NPOR – Limitations & Changes

Once the raffle is registered, changes to the raffle project description will not be possible

Bakers (tickets buyers) – Dash Payments

Purchases made through the Payment Platform by a baker utilizing a DASH Network are final and not disputable.

The ticket buyer / baker must not send his payment through the PRIVATE SEND option or under the creation of complex transactions. If the buyer does not follow this instruction, their purchase will not be processed and the DASH sent will be considered a donation to NPOR project.

Where there has been an unauthorized use of a baker’s DASH wallet, and the unauthorized nature of that use can be proven, then the payment could be refunded, ONLY if NPOR refunds payment received from this sell.

Mega Dash Raffle does not extend credit or loan money to customers to purchase raffle tickets.

Mega Dash Raffle makes no representations as to the compliance by our NPORs with the laws applicable to the conduct of their raffle event. Ticket buyers must establish to their own satisfaction the propriety or otherwise of the raffle by contacting the relevant NPOR Organization directly. Any disputes about raffles must be directed to the raffle NPOR Organization.


A NPOR notifying Mega Dash Raffle under these Terms must;

· do so in writing by email to [email protected]

All correspondence will be deemed received:

· on the day the email is sent (as long as the sender has not received a delivery failure message in relation to that email).

Next post we will be posting code of conduct for NPOR and bakers

If you have any question, please fell free to ask
Nov 16 - Project Updates

hi everyone,

We are in the final stage of the migration to the mainet and final security fix, we hope next week to do the go live.

During the stress test stage we identified an issue with the multisig transaction, when the raffle event has sold a significant amount of tickets, the final payment transaction to the winner and the beneficiary project is very large. Then the second signer (the creator of the raffle) can not execute that transaction and sign it using the Dash Core Console, because the interface has a character limit. The unique option is to do the transaction from the Dash-cli terminal, but it is complex and we believe that it loses the usability that we are looking for. We are going to create an improvement request in the Github / dashpay group and while we are going to temporary deactivate the multisig features until that improvement is released.

Thank you very much for your patience and trust in our team

Finally we are proud and happy to announce today this new fundraising platform is online.

Come and buy benefit raffle tickets to support dash projects and get a chance to win, and/or create your own raffles to fundraise your projecs! watch this video to know more about this new platflorm for Dash community

All Mega Dash Raffle's core program is public and is published in this GitHub thread

You can follow our YouTube channel to watch more videos to know how to create raffles, etc!

Thank you for Dash community for supporting us.
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Hi DASH community,

As many you will know, Mega Dash Raffle (MDR) project was proposed as a fundraising alternative for DASH projects, thanks to funds we earned in DASH BOOST, we could finish its development.

Our team has maintained the operational platform since November 2018, a period in which, unfortunately, only 4 raffles have been registered (2 being by the AgroCognitive project) with very low sales levels.

These low levels on ticket sales (where the MDR takes 10% to pay for their maintenance) are compromising its continuity (it costs approximately 250 USD a month to keep it working) and we have been forced to define a date of shutdown, if it still failing to attract interest from DASH project owners.

We want to share these results with you to help us to make a decision about to turn off MDR or to relaunch and encourage its use as an alternative source of DASH to treasury funds or even to DASH BOOST.

We fully understand that the development of MDR was at our risk and if this modality is not attractive for the community, we have no criticism against them.

Currently there are no registered raffles, but we will create one to continue fundraising for AgroCognitive as a final MDR's raffle event.

We invite you to comment on this post and give us your opinion that will be very well received
It seems MDR has slipped under the radar of most people. It's disappointing because I think the concept has legs. In fact, I'd like to see something like this added directly into dash's governance. I suspect part of the reason for such a low turnout is the name, it sounds a little bit scamy, when actually it's not. You've also got the chicken and egg problem and I'm not sure you've given this enough time to get traction. What will it take to keep this going?
It seems MDR has slipped under the radar of most people. It's disappointing because I think the concept has legs. In fact, I'd like to see something like this added directly into dash's governance. I suspect part of the reason for such a low turnout is the name, it sounds a little bit scamy, when actually it's not. You've also got the chicken and egg problem and I'm not sure you've given this enough time to get traction. What will it take to keep this going?

Thank you @GrandMasterDash for taking the time to give us your comments.
We had not thought about the MDR name. We liked that name because it was allusive to the largest raffle modality available on the platform, but I understand that they can be interpreted as misleading propaganda.

We would like to give you time to MDR and motivate project proponents to adopt it. But we would need to finance it for at least 3 months. We could request these funds through Dash Boost, if we have the approval of the MNOs and schedule a conversation with the DAO about how the network could adopt this platform.

Thank you again!