Introduction To A Pre-Proposal From @stellabelle


Active member

Many of you who are running Dash Masternodes will want to know who I am first before deciding whether or not to cast your votes for my upcoming proposal. This article hopefully will answer a lot of your questions. First, I’d like to start by introducing myself. My name is Leah Stephens, but I go by @stellabelle on YouTube, Twitter, Steemit, Dash Forum, Dash Slack and on Amazon as well. I co-wrote the official Steemit 101 book which is on Amazon. Additionally, I self-published my first book in 2015 which is titled, Un-Crap Your Life: Navigating Life’s Crappiest Situations.

And for those of you who like stats, here’a breakdown of my followers on social media:

TWITTER: 1,557

YOUTUBE: total views of all videos: 424,451 subscribers: 415

STEEMIT: 1,800

MEDIUM: 1,300

And here are some recent stats from my Medium articles:







In March of 2016 I started working as a freelance writer for the Interesting Engineering website. I wrote mostly science and tech articles with a focus on AI, robotics and current tech trends. I also created one-of-a-kind image collages for my articles. I loved writing about science and technology so this was a dream come true kind of opportunity. I wrote one article per day, 7 days a week. You can see all my Interesting Engineering articles here. One of my Interesting Engineering articles went viral and was viewed over half a million times. You can read that one here.


In addition to my Interesting Engineering writing, I was also a ghostwriter for a CEO of a software engineering company called Illumisoft. I did most of the social media for this company which included a Blog, Facebook, and Linkedin.


In June 2016, I discovered the website while doing research and began focusing all my energies on creating content for the site. I studied everything I could about blockchain technology, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, decentralized governance, reputation systems, smart contracts, etc. In the first 3 months, I worked more than 12 hours per day and I spent a great deal of time developing the social aspect of the website, creating connections and building up the community. I have been living off my cryptocurrency earnings for almost 10 months now. I also do a little trading of crypto coins on Bittrex and Poloniex. I built up a pretty decent following on Steemit and you can view my profile here.

I’ve been following Amanda B. Johnson’s videos for a while as she is quite popular on Steemit and because I was impressed with how she explains concepts in a clear and concise manner. Her work inspired me to write this article: Newbie’s Guide To The Blockchain.

Here are my Dash articles so far:

Altcoin Celebrity With Substance: Dash’s Amanda B. Johnson

Super Newbie Survival Guide To Dash

I Just Told a Robot To Send a $60 Tip To My Electronic Wallet

I recently created a parody video of Amanda B. Johnson’s Daily Decrypt video which explores the possibility that I could be Amanda’s long lost Russian aunt. A friend whom I met in Steemit helped me come up with the 5 reasons why Irina’s aunt likes cryptocurrency. Here’s that video. Also, I was interviewed by Olga Kharif, a journalist for Bloomberg News, in this recent article. Olga found me via Twitter.

I write frequently on Medium for the following publications: Hackernoon, Be Yourself, The Writing Cooperative, Into The Raw and Future Travel.

This should give you a better idea of what I can bring to Dash table. I consider myself to be someone who works for the commons and who is passionate about the future of decentralization. My playbook is Nikola Tesla’s autobiography, My Inventions.

I’m currently in the process of writing my Dash proposal which I’m very excited about. If there is anything I should be aware of, please let me know. I’ll be grateful for your feedback before I submit the final proposal.

So far, the articles I’ve recently written about Dash have gained some decent traction which is further evidence that more and more people are ready to get their cryptocurrency feet wet.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I’d be glad to answer them.

Thank you for reading,

ps- extras for people who like to know what sort of quotes guide my actions in life:

“The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain.” -Nikola Tesla

“I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes.”
-Arthur Rimbaud

If you would prefer to read this article on Medium, please go here.
+1 but I think you had me at the Interesting Engineering links ;)

It really did occur to me that without a proper introduction, how will anyone know who I am?
In a very roundabout way, that job led me to this forum. I was doing research for an Interesting Engineering article when I accidentally stumbled onto Steemit, which is where I found Amanda and her fascinating videos......
I will advise to check what are needs from the network at the moment. Fiat gateways, create markets, familiarize with merchants, etc.

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It's almost's a teaser infographic that explains it visually:

Personally, I think you've got it wrong. What's with the ageism, for people under 50?? But to be fair, I've heard a lot of that coming from millennials that have this weird idea that anyone over 50 is old fashioned / stale / slow etc.

Also, I don't think you should target "men and women".. this space is already so dominated by men... to be the next paypal and to be accepted by the population at large, dash needs to attract A LOT more women.. you've only got to look at the gaming world to see how it went from male dominance to women and families (thanks to Nintendo etc). Yes, I predicted that shift years ahead of it happening.

I appreciate the effort you've made so far, but I just think you need to target an under-represented group that will eventually grow into what dash hopes to be.
Personally, I think you've got it wrong. What's with the ageism, for people under 50??

I appreciate the effort you've made so far, but I just think you need to target an under-represented group that will eventually grow into what dash hopes to be.

I think that women will be naturally attracted to my content, but from my own YouTube analytics, I've discovered that half of my viewers are male. I like to be as inclusive as possible when launching a new series. Having women in leadership roles in companies actually is the main driver of attracting other females to a new technology. Women tend to avoid male-dominated spaces, so I feel confident that women will feel comfortable learning about Dash from me, in much the same way that I felt comfortable learning from Amanda.

Well, the Dash For Grandmas concept that I've proposed targets older people and I think that is a later stage outreach effort, after the early adopters and tech-savvy people have embraced Dash. I'm not being ageist here, heck, I'm middle aged, and definitely not a millenial, but I'm being realistic. Those stats came directly from Medium.

The reason I mentioned the under 50 demographic is because my main influence comes from my Medium followers. When I looked into the demographics of Medium, it said that a huge percentage of people on Medium are under 50, tech-savvy and interested in the future of technology. Most heavy readers on Medium are actually not representative of the mainstream population, who are all lurking on Facebook. I've followed the dynamics of adoption and it usually starts with early adopters, then tech-savvy professionals, then it trickles down to the mainstream who will start using technology after it has been proven to be safe and acceptable by the more adventurous types.

I know a lot of professional people, entrepreneurs, etc. and very few of them have even heard of Dash. I see this as a process of adoption, and I feel that the energy has to be applied in the most efficient way, and in different stages. If the entrepreneurs and early adopters are not using Dash, then how will the mainstream, regular people feel secure in using it? The simple answer is they won't. However, if entrepreneurs and tech-savvy people start using Dash, it will quickly become cool, and that energy can be harnessed and then applied to helping mainstream folks, like my mom and dad, learn how to use it. Adoption happens in stages and must be very strategic. But I am willing to try and experiment with all kinds of different strategies to see what works.

Thanks for your insights. I think it will be interesting to see just who ends up trying out Dash among my friends who are skeptical.
I think that women will be naturally attracted to my content, but from my own YouTube analytics, I've discovered that half of my viewers are male. I like to be as inclusive as possible when launching a new series. Having women in leadership roles in companies actually is the main driver of attracting other females to a new technology. Women tend to avoid male-dominated spaces, so I feel confident that women will feel comfortable learning about Dash from me, in much the same way that I felt comfortable learning from Amanda.

Well, the Dash For Grandmas concept that I've proposed targets older people and I think that is a later stage outreach effort, after the early adopters and tech-savvy people have embraced Dash. I'm not being ageist here, heck, I'm middle aged, and definitely not a millenial, but I'm being realistic. Those stats came directly from Medium.

The reason I mentioned the under 50 demographic is because my main influence comes from my Medium followers. When I looked into the demographics of Medium, it said that a huge percentage of people on Medium are under 50, tech-savvy and interested in the future of technology. Most heavy readers on Medium are actually not representative of the mainstream population, who are all lurking on Facebook. I've followed the dynamics of adoption and it usually starts with early adopters, then tech-savvy professionals, then it trickles down to the mainstream who will start using technology after it has been proven to be safe and acceptable by the more adventurous types.

I know a lot of professional people, entrepreneurs, etc. and very few of them have even heard of Dash. I see this as a process of adoption, and I feel that the energy has to be applied in the most efficient way, and in different stages. If the entrepreneurs and early adopters are not using Dash, then how will the mainstream, regular people feel secure in using it? The simple answer is they won't. However, if entrepreneurs and tech-savvy people start using Dash, it will quickly become cool, and that energy can be harnessed and then applied to helping mainstream folks, like my mom and dad, learn how to use it. Adoption happens in stages and must be very strategic. But I am willing to try and experiment with all kinds of different strategies to see what works.

Thanks for your insights. I think it will be interesting to see just who ends up trying out Dash among my friends who are skeptical.

I understand what you're saying and you're probably right about this being a process; I mean, you have to start somewhere. I was simply thinking, you have to be careful not to be preaching to the converted. Sometimes you have to break rank, invoke a new statistic, much like Nintendo did.. but I agree timing has a lot to do with it, not least because Evolution isn't ready yet.
I will advise to check what are needs from the network at the moment. Fiat gateways, create markets, familiarize with merchants, etc.
That would be helpful to know what are Dash's main needs right now. For me, I still think newbies have a hard time figuring out the basics.....that's what I can see from the outside. Any info you have would be good to know.
I understand what you're saying and you're probably right about this being a process; I mean, you have to start somewhere. I was simply thinking, you have to be careful not to be preaching to the converted. Sometimes you have to break rank, invoke a new statistic, much like Nintendo did.. but I agree timing has a lot to do with it, not least because Evolution isn't ready yet.

I got additional feedback from high-ranking Dashers and they agreed that DASH For Grandmas needs to be created when Evolution launches, not before. So, I'll follow through on creating a Dash For Newbies Show that takes it sloooowwwwww. I wish I knew when the Dash wallet for iOS will be finished...
Well the main question we get is how to get DASH, which could be a complex answer to give which depends on which country you reside and what is needed to get there. As there is not many fiat gateways, unfortunately bitcoin is a big bottleneck and having a fiat gateway is very important on each market. At the moment I think that a guerrilla attack is somewhat needed and having local communities and meetups can encourage the free exchange of DASH with the local currency. Also the way to ease small business owners to offer their products and services for DASH directly.
Farmer markets, Mom and Pop shops and even chain sotres as well as the online portals will be a great market to connect with. The same as developers that are looking for projects and services to start using DASH as the desired platform.
It's almost's a teaser infographic that explains it visually:
Setting the bar pretty high, A strong Intro. To a sense its quite intimidating. lol. I love it. I came here today to see what pre-proposals look like, and this is the first one I saw. I remember a mention in a video, Glad to see it here.
This made me realize.

Are there certain skill sets that we can apply for? Like this post would generally fall under marketing, yes?I would love to see your videos. With your permission Imbed them. on in the Dash-Board section I have laid out a Production List of 9 videos. But it's on the after burnder.

So..first then
Im voting for you!!! lol . Fingers crossed..
Ps.. Not that I have voting rights.. :)
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thanks so much! Yes, it's under the Marketing umbrella, but a more accurate description would be building a "How To Dash" publication on Medium which is a fairly mainstream site. My goal is to combine "how to" articles with a more humorous approach on YouTube. When I finish the videos, I'll let you know so you can embed them. Thanks again for your compliments. I actually started the Dash For Newbies Medium publication today:
I built that with the intention of having Dash users submit their own articles, which can then be spread outwards on Medium.