Active member

Many of you who are running Dash Masternodes will want to know who I am first before deciding whether or not to cast your votes for my upcoming proposal. This article hopefully will answer a lot of your questions. First, I’d like to start by introducing myself. My name is Leah Stephens, but I go by @stellabelle on YouTube, Twitter, Steemit, Dash Forum, Dash Slack and on Amazon as well. I co-wrote the official Steemit 101 book which is on Amazon. Additionally, I self-published my first book in 2015 which is titled, Un-Crap Your Life: Navigating Life’s Crappiest Situations.
And for those of you who like stats, here’a breakdown of my followers on social media:
TWITTER: 1,557
YOUTUBE: total views of all videos: 424,451 subscribers: 415
STEEMIT: 1,800
MEDIUM: 1,300
And here are some recent stats from my Medium articles:


In March of 2016 I started working as a freelance writer for the Interesting Engineering website. I wrote mostly science and tech articles with a focus on AI, robotics and current tech trends. I also created one-of-a-kind image collages for my articles. I loved writing about science and technology so this was a dream come true kind of opportunity. I wrote one article per day, 7 days a week. You can see all my Interesting Engineering articles here. One of my Interesting Engineering articles went viral and was viewed over half a million times. You can read that one here.
In addition to my Interesting Engineering writing, I was also a ghostwriter for a CEO of a software engineering company called Illumisoft. I did most of the social media for this company which included a Blog, Facebook, and Linkedin.
In June 2016, I discovered the website while doing research and began focusing all my energies on creating content for the site. I studied everything I could about blockchain technology, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, decentralized governance, reputation systems, smart contracts, etc. In the first 3 months, I worked more than 12 hours per day and I spent a great deal of time developing the social aspect of the website, creating connections and building up the community. I have been living off my cryptocurrency earnings for almost 10 months now. I also do a little trading of crypto coins on Bittrex and Poloniex. I built up a pretty decent following on Steemit and you can view my profile here.
I’ve been following Amanda B. Johnson’s videos for a while as she is quite popular on Steemit and because I was impressed with how she explains concepts in a clear and concise manner. Her work inspired me to write this article: Newbie’s Guide To The Blockchain.
Here are my Dash articles so far:
Altcoin Celebrity With Substance: Dash’s Amanda B. Johnson
Super Newbie Survival Guide To Dash
I Just Told a Robot To Send a $60 Tip To My Electronic Wallet
I recently created a parody video of Amanda B. Johnson’s Daily Decrypt video which explores the possibility that I could be Amanda’s long lost Russian aunt. A friend whom I met in Steemit helped me come up with the 5 reasons why Irina’s aunt likes cryptocurrency. Here’s that video. Also, I was interviewed by Olga Kharif, a journalist for Bloomberg News, in this recent article. Olga found me via Twitter.
I write frequently on Medium for the following publications: Hackernoon, Be Yourself, The Writing Cooperative, Into The Raw and Future Travel.
This should give you a better idea of what I can bring to Dash table. I consider myself to be someone who works for the commons and who is passionate about the future of decentralization. My playbook is Nikola Tesla’s autobiography, My Inventions.
I’m currently in the process of writing my Dash proposal which I’m very excited about. If there is anything I should be aware of, please let me know. I’ll be grateful for your feedback before I submit the final proposal.
So far, the articles I’ve recently written about Dash have gained some decent traction which is further evidence that more and more people are ready to get their cryptocurrency feet wet.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’d be glad to answer them.
Thank you for reading,
ps- extras for people who like to know what sort of quotes guide my actions in life:
“The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain.” -Nikola Tesla
“I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes.”
-Arthur Rimbaud
If you would prefer to read this article on Medium, please go here.