Dash had another great year... here are my (delayed) thoughts as we head into 2017.
I wish there was a super like button, I would have smashed that thing!Dash had another great year... here are my (delayed) thoughts as we head into 2017.
Yeah, this comment is totally a valid reason to invest in Dash. LOL.
But this morning at 3:30am, I awoke from a dream that ended with an unidentified woman slowly telling me in a calm and tranquil voice that “2017 is the year Dash proves itself to the world.”
Let me tell a different story. I awoke to find in my inbox a message announcing:
The Lightning Network Daemon has released vo.1-alpha, the Lightning Network’s most feature-complete implementation which is now ready for public testing.
I guess you can take the Dreamium pill if you want.....
1) Ethereum split in two, which pushed us down one slotLast year's report stated "Today, we have solidly secured the #5 position in the rankings". So what happened that we dropped to #7 ?
But this morning at 3:30am, I awoke from a dream that ended with an unidentified woman slowly telling me in a calm and tranquil voice that “2017 is the year Dash proves itself to the world.”
Either you were dreaming about Amanda or you met The Oracle, in what you perceived to be a dream
Nice (delayed) thoughts though....
Dash had another great year... here are my (delayed) thoughts as we head into 2017.
But this morning at 3:30am, I awoke from a dream that ended with an unidentified woman slowly telling me in a calm and tranquil voice that “2017 is the year Dash proves itself to the world.”
Even with all of it's fundamental defects, and no solutions provided. How much acceptance does BTC have compared to DASH? I can actually find places where I can spend BTC over the counter in spite of how stupid that is, because it's users are equally stupid.Over to you Camosoul - How do you suppose the Bitcoin network overcome such a fundamental problem?
Yeah, because all that clever Lightening Network stuff is going to work great on a network that has stalled at 26% consensus for Segwit... After all, how any Chinese miners and speculators - currently representing 95% of the network - do you think a) give a shit about segwit, and b) feel that it's important enough to upgrade their nodes for?
The answer is clear... NOT enough!
Dash - conversely - seems to have no problem a) gaining consensus on any decision within 48 hours, and b) ensuring the network updates in a timely manner.
Anyway, back to Bitcoin... I've highlighted the problem of a) bitcore not being able to achieve consensus on block size, and b) getting the network to embrace new developments - such as segwit and Lightening Network - when there is little incentive too.
Over to you Camosoul - How do you suppose the Bitcoin network overcome such a fundamental problem? There's clearly an incentive issue if something as wonderful as Segwit is beaten into the corner like a Ginger stepchild...
... And for those of you who don't know what Segwit is, I suggest you dust off your Cambridge Idioms Dictionary and look for an entry entitled 'Necessity is the mother of invention'... I'm pretty sure you'll find an accurate description there...
Bitcoin could have just fixed their incentive issues 'back in the day' - you know - like Evan suggested
You're the one chewing on 'Dreamium Pills' if you think that the Lightening Network 'news' is anything to be getting a boner over...
Of course that's all you got from it. You're an entitled snowflake who issues demands and ignores reality, while the con artist that has raped you for a year now laughs all the way to the bank.Not sure who your post is directed at (?) but all I got from it was that you failed to answer my direct question to you...Despite you quoting it in your reply...?![]()
Of course that's all you got from it. You're an entitled snowflake who issues demands and ignores reality, while the con artist that has raped you for a year now laughs all the way to the bank.
I am not obligated to respond to your questions. You don't own me.
Your question presumes that I care if or how BTC might fix some problem that I don't care about and know it can't fix... You're just another fucking moron troll puppet putting words in my mouth with presumptive language. You didn't even have the balls to @ my name so that I'd get the notification. You were hoping it would lie dormant as a directive for others to read about me. You knew that you'd get called out if I saw it, so you tried to play stealth. You're a piece of shit.
Even so. I did answer your question. You just didn't like the answer, so you pretend there was no answer. Same old SJW snowflake BS. You can ask any questions you want. You can also shove them directly up your ass when you reject that answer for being something other than what you wanted it to be...
I guess black people can't be racist, and The Patriarchy is a real thing, too...
All of this because the ultimate scammer had a dream about some watery tart lobbing a scimitar.. Oh,. wait, wrong comedy...