DashBargain - buy online with Dash


New member
Hi everyone,

we are announcing the launch of DashBargain, a service that allows you to buy anonymously what you need with Dash.

We act as a go between you and the merchant:

-You submit an order.
-We calculate the total price (incl. fees & shipping).
-We send you a Coinpayments payment link.
-You enter your shipping information & pay in Dash.
-We purchase the item(s) with your shipping information.
-We send you the receipt & tracking number.

Service fee will be 3 USD + 2.5% of order value. We can purchase from any worldwide retailer.
Whatever you need to buy, just let us know :) We process all orders same day.
To thank our early customers, we are launching a promo: the next five people who buy from us in the next 30 days and write a review at this thread, will receive 0 fee transaction. That means that you just pay for the value of the item and shipping, our service is FREE!

Please use a promo code "dash" when submitting your order.

Needless to say, we strongly focus on customer satisfaction. You will have your order processed same day, usually within 1-2 hours.

Feel free to drop us a line for any questions.

[email protected]
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I have the same question. We are a small Hotel and I would like to accept dash that can then go straight into a business bank account. I plan to leave the amount I save in fees in dash, like %5.
How to submit an order with DashBargain?

Very easy.

Click "Order Now"; you will have to enter the email and the URL of the item which you wish to buy. We will send you a confirmation and a CoinPayments link by email. Here is an example:


Make a payment with the crypto of your choice.
Done! We`ll purchase your item with your shipping information and will send you the tracking number within few hours.

[email protected]