I think there is still a lot of confusion on what is a DAO and what people do.
DAO is not an open-for-all environment where everyone has a say in development. That does NOT mean their voices are not heard and taken into account! Decentralised just means there are no central offices, that the team is scattered all over the globe, not that there is no central point of decision making - thank goodness.
If there were no central point of decision, everyone could decide, countless decisions-againt-decisions would plague development to a complete hault. That would only bring total chaos. It doesn't work. Giving MN or community 100% vinculative say on development is non-sensical. I honestly invite anyone prove me wrong!
And please
@TheDashGuy - stop downtalking one of our most valuable team members, one who is irrefutably recognised as busting his ass working. 99% of people do nothing.
@tungfa was invited to the team for a very specific reason. Recognition of getting things done, constant dedication and alignment of vision on where whe want to go, cooperation skills and not being bitchy about everything.
Every few pages this discussion get swindled back to inicial premisses already discussed. I'm not calling anyone a troll, but this is troll behaviour! You guys wanted answers, you guys got the answers, but are simply not accepting the facts of life!
Yet team members still come here to try to set things straight. How, what, when and where - have been answered.
Why do we keep bringing back the same arguments that were already addressed before?