Darkcoin Listed On Bitfinex

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Bitfinex is the leading fee-based crypto-currency exchange worldwide, offering an unparalleled array of trading tools and services to its users. Bitfinex trades exclusively in the very best that crypto-currency has to offer, and only two coins have ever met their criteria: Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC).

Until now.

The Darkcoin team is pleased to announce that Bitfinex has chosen to list Darkcoin (DRK) as the third crypto-currency available for trading on its site. Over time, Bitfinex will bring a suite of tools and services to Darkcoin traders not available to them anywhere else. For now, they will offer cash exchange transactions only. As we pass certain milestones and as their Darkcoin orderbook fills out, services such as trading on margin, trading on leverage, shorting, and more will be brought online.

With this addition, Darkcoin cements its status as the world’s leading anonymous crypto-currency, and as a bona fide peer to Bitcoin and Litecoin. In the world of crypto-currency, Darkcoin’s mission philosophy, development team, protection of user privacy, and real-world utility - not to mention its future prospects - are second to none. We are delighted by Bitfinex’s decision, and we look to the future with great excitement.

Darkcoin was launched on January 18, 2014. Since then, its per coin valuation has risen to $15.37, with a market cap of $66,868,183. It is currently ranked number three in worldwide crypto-currency market cap valuation.

Darkcoin is a digital currency based on the Bitcoin software. Created by software developer and financial advisor Evan Duffield, Darkcoin's primary objective is to offer its users a secure, privacy-centric alternative to Bitcoin. Darkcoin is the leading anonymous digital currency; it improves upon the well-established Bitcoin source code and features a custom, decentralized implementation of the CoinJoin transaction protocol that removes the need for Darkcoin users to entrust their privacy to a third party.

Every Bitcoin account and associated transaction is stored on a ledger, or "blockchain". This information is publicly available, and is retained in perpetuity. In contrast, Darkcoin's underlying technology masks the link between the sender and receiver on the blockchain, affording its users a high degree of privacy.
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