Decentralized Governance By Blockchain
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If you mean bumping you proposal thread with "up" or "bump" it's not prohibited but it's not recommended either. Spend some time and write at least something slightly longer and meaningful like "I'm still waiting for some feedback", "Please share your opinions" or "Please vote!" etc, you get the idea - show some respect to other forum members. Also please don't bump too often, once a day should be more than enough. If there are no replies - probably no one is interested. Also note, that there is a "New Posts" button which many people use to get latest updates when they come back, so them reading 10s of your "bumps" not only won't help you, but quite the opposite imo - you'll look like a spammer and people do not like spammers, you knowCan I UP the proposal, or it's prohibited?
That's what I'm trying to avoidquite the opposite imo - you'll look like a spammer and people do not like spammers, you know![]()
I read somewhere in the forum that unused Treasury funds are "burnt", however, in the documentation it says "If there is money left over in the budget, the system will also support proposals for moving money into a “savings” account managed by a group of people. This will allow us to plan for the future and budget for larger things or to stop the system from outright wasting money." Can anyone clarify? Does a formal proposal have to be submitted and approved in order to move unused funds into a "savings" account or are they indeed "burnt"?
call me a noob, but how come i cant find even one detailed explanation of what happens to "Unallocated funds" ?
I cant even find a real discussion about it, not from developers nor from community, am i missing something or is this just super fishy ?
Near 525,000$ are not allocated & i don't see even a single plan for them.
Next budget payments will occur in 8 days.
Total Current Allocated Budget: 1,178.00 DASH ($107,669.20).
Total Available Budget: 6,917.67 DASH ($632,274.82).
I would really appreciate any clarification.
"Unallocated funds" will not be created = hence = Burned
So basically, we won't use 500 grand available resources to further develop DASH just because we are so incompetence that we don't have any plans for them ?! (this "we" obviously means community & dev team both)
Normally a project [of any sort] primarily needs funding to develop, now that we have this much funding & excitement driven from it, we don't have any sort of a system [or team] to manage it ?
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to bash anyone or anything here, just wanna make sure I'm understanding the situation correctly & that I'm not missing anything big from the picture as i couldn't find anything about this anywhere else in forum.
Well it would be longterm better to burn some of it. High coin prices are poison for growth. Just think about it. The transaction costs are fixed in dash. We dont want to have high transaction costs in $ like BTC. This will demage dash businesses and therefor demage the coin.
I am very new to dash but you will hear a lot more in the future. I am currently Working and an API of recieving and sending dash via instantSend and while the devs are actually responsive when it comes to question there is a lack of good documentation for devs like me. This is a potential field to Invest in. Good clear and straightforward Ressources. To get an edge over other coins. On Top it might inflate the coins value which is clearly a healthy Thing (even though some large dash investors might dislike it).
Burnt on what? I thought they are Never created.we are
any unspent budget - coins are burned every month
Can I clarify how much rebate there is on a proposal, I thought i recently read on https://www.dashtreasury.org/article-proposaloffer.html that between 1 and 4.99 Dash would be awarded to proposals dependent on quality and effort. But now the amount appears as 0.10. Can anyone help please.