badu-poku joseph

New member
Recognized media houses and news publication Organizations in West Africa (Ghana) advertise companies product, goods and services, but none of these agencies or platforms had ever present an advert on crypto currency especially dash revolution and it adoption in west African to insight viewers and readers particularly business men and women’s in the country. The lack of dash advertisement and advocacy on West Africa (Ghana) media platforms prevent the chance of getting the business men and women into dash adoption in West Africa (Ghana). The setback has the tendency of influencing business men and women in West African (Ghana) into adoption of dash.

Our aim has to do with the advertisement of dash in West African (Ghana) through the televisions, radios and newspapers to create and insight exchangers, business men and women in West African (Ghana). We seek to advocate dash adoption to exchangers, businesses in Ghana enlightening them, the vast benefits in dash adoption and how reliable, flexible they can use dash in transacting business in West African (Ghana). The reason been that for more than century’s business men has been having challenges in transacting business within West African (Ghana) and beyond through banks. The delay in transaction process and the high cost of transactional process has also become their burden which they look forward for better option in future, we believe the future is in for them to adopt it.
Crypto currency market in West African (Ghana) on its own has create a good legacy in terms of reliability, low transactional cost, fast and smooth transactional process. Using the media platforms in West African (Ghana) will at large increase the awareness of crypto-currency to the mass population in West Africa (Ghana). The advertisement of Dash revolution and adoption will extend to inform the crypto-exchanger in West African (Ghana) to add dash to their crypto exchange market list. As part of the project It will pave the way for new and existing exchangers to accept exchanging dash into fiat currency in west African (Ghana).