A Sliver of Hope - Big Guys Still Buying


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Foundation Member
I went to explore the Rich list @ https://chainz.cryptoid.info/drk/#!rich and saw that majority of big investors on the list are still buying.

We'll see.

Still not happy with the developers' silence, primarily Evan's! Darkcoin is not just a software, it is an investment and, much, much more importantly, a philosophy of the future, a potential movement that has the power to fight the Financial Crime Cartel and, perhaps, even win. It's a crucial element in the fight for our privacy which, at the end, means the fight for our fucking FREEDOM.

This is not something anyone should take lightly.


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Still not happy with the developers' silence, primarily Evan's!


This is not something anyone should take lightly.

Why has Evan gone silent?

Sorry guys, but did someone notice that it's weekend?

I've been working 60+ hours this week on Darkcoin and RC4 release, same as Evan (if not more). We are humans, have families and deserve a break for the weekend. Thats's all.

There has been not a single show stopping bug report so far: DS+ works for the vast majority of users. Yes, there are glitches (CPU load, large wallets denoms, misleading GUI output, documentation) but they are not critical for the core functionality of the coin. Rest assured: If there would be something miserably wrong we would fix it during the weekend!

If you are unhappy with the communication: Join the team and contribute, there is LOADS to do - but stop complaining if one of the developers is taking his well deserved day off.

Just my 2 duffs.
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All you guys, from Evan to all the developers, deserve & received highest kudos, at least from me.

What this thread / post did not state clearly, I am afraid, is that it's a continuation of discussion elsewhere, regarding the problem of the Darkcoin price slump over two months, with last seven disastrous days as the most gravest symptom of potential problems underneath. So the weekend "silence" is not a problem at all.

Moreover, this thread is meant to bring a voice of hope regarding the price. The price itself, as stated elsewhere, is NOT the problem pre se, but it may be an ominous sign. I hope it is not. I support Darkcoin. I support Evan. I support this great team of developers. I put my money where my mouth is and keep buying despite quite a devastating paper loss at the moment. I proposed many solutions regarding promotional activities elsewhere and, therefore, I am not complaining. I promote Darkcoin where I can. I sold the idea to my friends... (who bought the coin and lost money)

I just feel a need for all of us, the whole community, to be aware that Darkcoin represent something much bigger than its price or even its great software - an idea! A path to renewed PRIVACY and, ultimately FREEDOM for all of us, in this fucked up world ruled by the Financial Crime Cartel. I do not want Darkcoin to vanish because enthusiasm for it may be vanning, unfortunately, with the price.

So some attention to these issues, from the people ultimately responsible for Darkcoin, might be needed. I am with you guys, not against you!!
All you guys, from Evan to all the developers, deserve & received highest kudos, at least from me.

What this thread / post did not state clearly, I am afraid, is that it's a continuation of discussion elsewhere, regarding the problem of the Darkcoin price slump over two months, with last seven disastrous days as the most gravest symptom of potential problems underneath. So the weekend "silence" is not a problem at all.

Moreover, this thread is meant to bring a voice of hope regarding the price. The price itself, as stated elsewhere, is NOT the problem pre se, but it may be an ominous sign. I hope it is not. I support Darkcoin. I support Evan. I support this great team of developers. I put my money where my mouth is and keep buying despite quite a devastating paper loss at the moment. I proposed many solutions regarding promotional activities elsewhere and, therefore, I am not complaining. I promote Darkcoin where I can. I sold the idea to my friends... (who bought the coin and lost money)

I just feel a need for all of us, the whole community, to be aware that Darkcoin represent something much bigger than its price or even its great software - an idea! A path to renewed PRIVACY and, ultimately FREEDOM for all of us, in this fucked up world ruled by the Financial Crime Cartel. I do not want Darkcoin to vanish because enthusiasm for it may be vanning, unfortunately, with the price.

So some attention to these issues, from the people ultimately responsible for Darkcoin, might be needed. I am with you guys, not against you!!
Trying to pander to the currently tiny and volatile market is a complete waste of time. I'd rather Evan and team carried on working on things that matter long term. Those with short attention spans can sell up and move on, no great loss.
I have just checked the Masternode count and it is at 643 nodes and rising, this is not a sliver of hope by any means- for the price it is merely market dynamics based on many interacting variables. What Evan and the team (many thanks everyone btw) are doing is obviously hard and complicated, they are setting up an entirely new infrastructure with the masternode system, if it was easy then they would be calling it some noname clone coin and there would be no new fast expanding and potentially powerful network. Try to see the bigger picture instead of short term price fluctuations eh guys. Have a nice relaxing well earned sunday day off everyone:smile:
If bitcoin were made perfect, none of this would be necessary.
I am most proud of the software development coming out of Darkcoin.
That shows me they are busy doing the real hard work. Marketed alts are kinda corny. Leave that to the clowns like me.
good video to watch from http://cryptocurrencyconvention.com/london/
Cool stuff, but take with a pinch of salt. Note the Youtube comments, & the Zeta/Myriad charts.

Guys I didn't mean for my comment to be offensive. I was merely asking the original poster why he thought Evan had gone silent.

I know what it's like to write software and the 'crunch' time hours take it's toll.

Once again, I apologise for the none intended offence.