NOMP [0% FEE] YOBA Pool not paying out


New member

YOBA Pool welcomes you!
Our features:
  • Proportional reward - get paid fairly!
  • 0% fee! We are getting support only by your donations!
  • Autopayouts every 5 minutes. Minimum 0.01 DRK.
  • Only 6 confirmations for payout
  • VARDIFF - variance mining difficulty depending on the power of your hardware
  • A+ grade SSL-encryption
  • IPv6 ready - looking to the future
  • Reliable DDoS protection covering all pool-related services
  • Enterprise-class hardware ensures high uptime
  • US & EU entry points (servers)
  • P2P Pool at
Sign up now!
For mining on P2P Pool ( use your wallet address as worker and random letter as password.
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There is some great news!
We just installed a new stratum server in North America region for better mining experience:

Also we had updated all coindaemons to latest version to keep our blockchain actual.

Waiting for you on our pool,
YOBA Pool team.
YOBA Pool's first hashrace!
We are happy to announce an unusual competition named hashrace!
The rules are simple - just submit valid shares as much as possible, diff is also considered.
A person who will submit most shares during competition period will get 50% of all donations made in this time!

4 steps to participate:
  1. Create an account
  2. Set donation percent at least for 1.
  3. Create workers
  4. Just mine!
The competition begins June 6th 0:00 UTC and ends July 7th 0:00 UTC.
Winner will be announced on July 8th.
Your final prize fund depends only on you.
Hurry up!

Sincerely yours,
YOBA Pool team.
Hi im new in mining and i have a problem. im mining in YOBA pool and my Account Balance has reached 0.461252 drk but although ive set up the Automatic Payout Threshold to 0.3 and i have put my payment address i don't get payed... im doing something wrong? can you please help me?
first of all hi to everyone,
here is my problem : my Account Balance has reached 0.461252 drk but although ive set up the Automatic Payout Threshold to 0.3 and i have put my payment address i don't get payed... im doing something wrong?
Mind explaining what you are talking about? Is it a pool? Which one?

edit, nvm merged threads.
i have send 4 mails.. and no reply...
im a bit of disappointed . i wil move my workers until issue is solved ...
They never answer any emails. Ive sent ten. No response. Auto payout never works. Request of manual payout ignored. All about BS. Not mining.