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Search results

  1. J

    WARNING!!!Fake baikal miner dealer

    Do not buy here: https://minerbaikal.com/index.php
  2. J

    Attention! scam baikal-miner.com

    This site is definitely a scam. Pay nothing !!! http://baikal-miner.com
  3. J

    Experiences with customs

    It would be great if there Everyone writes their experience with customs. Where it comes from, what to buy, and what amount of your experience.
  4. J

    How to reduce noise at Baikal miner 150 Mhs.

    Ahojte všetci, Ak by niekto chcel na zníženie hluku svojho baníka, mám nápad, ktorý sa osvedčil na mojich Baikal 150 MHS. Odpojte ventilátor od dosky - to trvá trochu zručnosti - a nahradiť ho s ventilátorom USB, ktoré je vložený do Orange Pi. Viď obrázok. Teplota Baikal baník 150 MHS zostal...