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  1. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    Ben makes a great point on price stability that MNs offer. I've been bearish on Bitcoin as a payments network as it seems we are like 3-5 years away for it to have price volatility low enough for people to truly hold their coins for spending. I've seen comments around a $40b market cap for...
  2. Willy Woo

    We need a sponsorship analytic tool

    Lets accept there's a % of old users gaming it to get free Dash. The analytics between sponsorship would all have a little noise, but the data when compared to each sponsorship deal would contain a useful signal on which shows are more effective. Relative data is useful even if the absolutes at...
  3. Willy Woo

    We need a sponsorship analytic tool

    Hey guys, if we are going to sponsor ongoing podcasts and webcasts with decent money, like the $2.2k proposal for the CryptoShow, we really need to see some metrics on each sponsorship's effectiveness. Nearly all major mainstream podcast sponsors do giveaway coupons or a special URL so they can...
  4. Willy Woo

    Proposal: Core Development - Electrum & Sentinel (Sept)

    Ditto. All I could find was: a program which allows relational access to generic data (sentinel) via Github.
  5. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    One of the proposed features for Evolution that Evan talks about is having a "Savings Account" where the account holder can move Dash into that type of account and earn interest. In essence the UI is providing a familiar interface to the user (I call that a UX wrapper, hiding the real...
  6. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    I suspect if evolution comes out with "savings accounts" (i.e. simple UX wrapping around protocol level partial participation in a masternode bond), we might masternode bonds as a proportion of the total supply increase, maybe to 90%. Most people will find it beneficial to "earn interest" by...
  7. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    Hmmm... I'm thinking the answer is variable as time progresses... in early stages you want more in masternodes as you want an engaged community to govern and push the platform forward, the halo effect is an increase in price and marketcap which also attracts more people in. In later stages when...
  8. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    Other added :)
  9. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    This is about money supply held in the node collateral banks, not payout and node count. If I rephrase by flipping it: "What's the optimal amount of money supply for circulation within the payments network vs the amount locked away for running and governing the system?"
  10. Willy Woo

    Masternodes are 60% of holdings

    Here's my interesting number of the week: 60.5% of Dash supply is locked up in masternodes. Is this a good number? 100% = Dash is a store of value, not used as payments 0% = network is dead. No nodes. 60% = majority of holders are long term bullish as a store of value and are actively...
  11. Willy Woo

    A study on Dash price and market cap valued as a payments network.

    I'm not saying it's overvalued, I'm saying it's not valued as a payments network, it's valued for governance and excitement over its technology roadmap. But maybe I should ditch the word valuation and call it speculation. This is a fun but frivolous exercise as all alt-coins are too early to...
  12. Willy Woo

    A study on Dash price and market cap valued as a payments network.

    I've updated this research with estimates of Dash's real transaction volume on the blockchain as a payments network and the finding are it is (really rough estimate) 6x over valued if it was a payments network. This gives us an idea of how much people value Dash for its governance model and...
  13. Willy Woo

    A study on Dash price and market cap valued as a payments network.

    Dash's focus is a payment network so transaction turnover will be key. Let's run some numbers... This is Bitcoin's transaction turnover as a function of their marketcap: Source: Source Data: For Bitcoin, the...
  14. Willy Woo

    Does BitFury's new research findings impact Dash's PrivateSend

    Awesome and thorough answer, thanks!
  15. Willy Woo

    Does BitFury's new research findings impact Dash's PrivateSend

    I was having an conversation with one of the Monero devs on Twitter and it brought to light that BitFury's new research published in their recent whitepaper has methods to untangle some CoinJoin transactions. (Page 2) : Shared send. Users organize into groups (via an intermediary) and tangle...
  16. Willy Woo

    Are ring signatures still going to be implemented?

    I'm looking at a Tweet posted in 2014 stating that ring sigs would be implemented in DASH. Is this still on the cards? Anyone know?