Search results

  1. johnnydash

    Baikal A900 and the new A5 Dash Master (innosilicon)

    Never mind guys I got it working. But i have run into a problem. I'm working on a Mac, Can someone help me with saving my modifications and save with writeout please? Many Thanks. Or is there something else i need to do? JD
  2. johnnydash

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Thank you mrearthbound, Never seen it as trash talk :-)
  3. johnnydash

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    "The picture is kinda crappy", Yeah i know it is but i took it from this pic Just try'n to learn how many things work together, I am a Noobelist when it come to electronics. when i learn the lingo as...
  4. johnnydash

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Can someone tell me what this cable is called please.
  5. johnnydash

    Baikal A900 and the new A5 Dash Master (innosilicon)

    Hello everyone, I seem to be the master of getting the wrong PSU for my miners. (question) What is the eaziest and best PSU for the baikal a900 that i can plug in a 120v wall socket? A5 dash master has not come in yet. But my question is the same as the above. Please help. Correct info will...
  6. johnnydash

    Contacted by FBI

    Hey Folks, The Feds, I can tell you all about them. If they wanted a sitdown thats them being nice. Either they are after someone ( maybe here or elsewhere ) or some form of intel. I can say this what ever they are after they will get it someway. ( byway of electronic communications or other )...
  7. johnnydash

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    I purchased the LITEON psu from eastshore. On the label it states input 100-240v~ . 50/60 Hz 9.5A-5.0A. So I guess i just answered my own question. If the power supply that eastshore sells for the baikal A900 is "9.5A-5.0A" then i should be fine. Why I ask is, first i'm 1/2 crazy. 2nd i don't...
  8. johnnydash

    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Hey everyone!! I have looked around and i can not find the amperage draw for the baikal A900. Can anyone give me a ruff idea please. Thanks.
  9. johnnydash

    Lost Dash Need Help

    Cool Cool Folks, What i did do. Se'n that I'm working on a macdaddy, I find myself mov'n a bit here and there. whatever. Opened the dash-qt. (why) cause i'm a slo learner. But anyway went to the information tab, in the lower left bottom corner where the debug log file button is. "CLICK" bam...
  10. johnnydash

    Lost Dash Need Help

    Thanks AjM, I'll give it a go sometime tonight.. will let's yawls know how it goes. PEAce o_O
  11. johnnydash

    Lost Dash Need Help

    Hey everyone :), Anyway I hope this is the right place to start this thread. But to get to the point. I opened my dash-qt this morning and all the dash was gone. I think i clicked the wallet repair button yesterday but i'm not sure as i had a few drinks. so i go to the debug log and search...
  12. johnnydash

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Your Welcome. "To make DASH is to spend DASH" JD