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  1. Wikiwako

    Pre Proposal: DASH to Sponsor Anarchapulco 2018?

    I would support this proposal. The stellar players in the crypto world are always there. Must keep Dash active in their minds. I would love for Ryan to do the presentation this time.
  2. Wikiwako

    DASH Global News site

    I think we should give this proposal a go and see how it works out - we need all the exposure we can get and I would hate to see part of the treasury get lost when we can push more content to new markets.
  3. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

    My bad @tungfa - I did get paid 2 Dash as reimbursement on July 19 - thank you core team!
  4. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

    Not really @mastermined and @tungfa - The contest prize (2.2 Dash) barely covered the amount of Dash I gave to the attendees (see the giveaway above). The cost of the meet up was extra. I still paid the hotel with coffee break, the mugs, the banners and other organization extras out of my...
  5. Wikiwako

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Just saw your post. Thank you Dash Force! Here's my address: XsJrbJLKW6EfG2fqQnjHfbGbPqc6Fft6zT
  6. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

    No such group page yet bluebit. The meetup above was a first and no further meetups were proposed or planned at the time. In fact it was not really a meetup. It was more of a 3 hour seminar about Dash (Bitcoin and Blockchain had to be in the mix for educational purposes). I guess the reason...
  7. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

    Hi bluebit! Yes, I am planning to do one the first week of August. Will let you know when we have a plan. Would be great if you can make it.
  8. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

  9. Wikiwako

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Great meet up in Monterrey Mexico. Report and images here:
  10. Wikiwako

    Meetup in Monterrey Mexico on July 1, 2017

    Had a beautiful Dash meet up in Monterrey Mexico last Saturday July 1, 2017. Here is a small report of the event. Having a little trouble posting the images of the meet up in this forum. Look at them here: 1.- There were 41 present at the meet up including me and a...
  11. Wikiwako

    Consensus 2017 / NYC - Thread

    :) very nice!!!
  12. Wikiwako

    PRE-PROPOSAL: New (& Improved?) Look for DASH Detailed

    I have no problem with the fee, but the new look is kind of cluttered and noisy. Too many elements at the same time, including the remote and the music. Why not something simple like John Oliver´s set?
  13. Wikiwako

    Is Dash getting chumped?

    Charlie Shrem said on the Dash Nation Slack that he would post an update last weekend (May 1). Did not see it. I guess I missed it.
  14. Wikiwako

    Jaxx - Dash integration

    Hi @adiiorio Any news? Hopefully no special difficulties with the App store.
  15. Wikiwako

    Does HFT at Poloniex destroy value of DASH ???

    HFT is the best business an exchange can hope for. HFT = HFCommissions. This is not too different in the stock market. HFT can indeed alter the price of a coin. The guys doing it know people get afraid and do stupid things when the do their thing. This won't stop. Still… HFT can not affect...
  16. Wikiwako

    Dash Business Development Update July 2016

    Here's a video of the presentation:
  17. Wikiwako

    Jaxx wallet looking at DASH integration

    This is huge! First official iPhone Dash wallet.
  18. Wikiwako

    FXOpen (Forex) is now trading DASH but confused with dashcoin

    FXOpen just posted news about an expansion in trading instruments. They now added DASH, but they name it "Dashcoin" with our logo!!!. The price seems right but not the amount of DASH available. It's funny that an exchange does not have it clear that dashcoin is not DASH. Here is the news...
  19. Wikiwako

    Designers! I need your help/input — iOS Dash Wallet

    Looks like it's not only DASH wallets being rejected by Apple. Ethereum has no luck either. Check out the article. Is Apple Banning Ethereum Wallets on iOS?
  20. Wikiwako

    Designers! I need your help/input — iOS Dash Wallet

    Its great you are working on this @nmarley!!! I hope you succeed getting this app approved by Apple before Dash Evolution arrives. I just don't see myself ditching my iPhone to get a Dash wallet. I know there's a way around this, but most common users will never be able to set up a wallet...