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  1. Pasta

    Dash Core v22.1.0 Release Announcement

    Dash Core v22.1.1 is Officially Released! This update is optional; but recommended. It is highly recommended for anyone running v22.1.0. Please see the GitHub release / announcement with binaries here: Feel free to ask questions here and...
  2. Pasta

    Dash Core v22.1.0 Release Announcement

    Dash Core v22.1 is Officially Released! Please see the GitHub release / announcement with binaries here: Feel free to ask questions here and report all issues to
  3. Pasta

    Security issues Dash Wallet (on M1 MacOS, ARM)

    This is a known issue currently that I've been attempting to resolve. In MacOS land there are three levels of binaries; unsigned, signed, and notarized. Notarized binaries are binaries that have been uploaded to apple for basic inspection. We generally do this in our release process; however...
  4. Pasta

    Dash Core v22.0.0 Release Announcement

    I'm not seeing this to be the case
  5. Pasta

    Dash Core v22.0.0 Release Announcement

    Dash Core v22.0 is Officially Released! Please see the GitHub release with binaries here: Feel free to ask questions here and report all issues to
  6. Pasta

    Dash Core v22 Release Candidate and Testnet Hardfork

    Please see the latest v22 Release Candidate here: Additionally, please be aware that testnet nodes will hard fork to v22 rules in the coming week. Failure to upgrade your testnet node will result in it no longer being on the "right"...
  7. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.1.0 Release Announcement

    We are happy to announce the release of Dash Core v21.1.1. This release includes a number of bug fixes. While optional, it is recommended to upgrade to. See more information at:
  8. Pasta

    EHF Activation Issues

    Please see: This release was slightly slower than I would've liked it to have been, however we wanted to ensure that we adequately tested this, additionally we had some infrastructure issues as we...
  9. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.1.0 Release Announcement

    I'm announcing the release of Dash Core v21.1.0, the minor version on v21. It is mandatory for masternodes to upgrade, failure to upgrade may result in PoSe banning; it is recommended for all node operators to upgrade. This fixes an issue in EHF resigning, where masternodes would not resign...
  10. Pasta

    EHF Activation Issues

    I’m sad to report that it appears very unlikely that the EHF signature will be recovered in this first cycle. The issue, as we understand it currently, is that during implementation, the values for requestID and msgHash were switched. As a result, a masternode which participated in an earlier...
  11. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Announcement

    Should be fixed!
  12. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Announcement

    Dash Core v21.0.0 is Officially Released! Please see the release announcement for information about the release here: Please see the GitHub release with binaries here: Feel free to...
  13. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Candidate

    Please see 21.0.0-rc.2 here:
  14. Pasta

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Candidate

    Attention all testnet operators and individuals which would like to test against Dash Core v21.0.0 before the final version is released. We have released v21.0.0-rc.1. Please see 21.0.0-rc.1 here: Feel free to respond to this thread...
  15. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.1.1 Release Announcement

    We are happy to announce the release of v20.1.1 of Dash Core. This version fixes a deadlock / bug which rarely resulted in nodes becoming non-responsive, and resulted in some MNs becoming PoSe banned.
  16. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.1.0 Release Announcement

    v20.1.0 has been released! This release is highly recommended for masternodes. You can find detailed release notes at
  17. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

    v20.0.4 has been released! This release is highly recommeneded for masternodes. Additionally, Windows anti-virus false positives have been resolved. Additionally please fill out this short survey about...
  18. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

    v20.0.3 has been released! This release is highly recommeneded for masternodes and users with large wallets experiencing slow lock and unlock times; but is optional.
  19. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

    Yeah; this is likely due to the higher utilization of Masternodes since the rotated LLMQs introduced in v19. If you happen to be in two LLMQs at the same time and shutdown your node at a bad time you'll basically get insta-Pose banned
  20. Pasta

    Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

    Interesting; okay, well I don't think this is very surprising. DKGs happen at the same time; and we're now in the time frame where people who have not upgraded are starting to get banned.