Search results

  1. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    A new HOT feature: Price Notifications. Now you can add 1 and we'll send you an email once we find such a price to buy/sell/convert Bitcoin and 33 other cryptocurrencies. You may choose the "market rate" to be notified when you can buy crypto without fees or even better than the market...
  2. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    We are integrating with more exchanges: it's over 300 already and the number keeps growing! Recently we've added some very interesting ones, especially for EUR, RUB, and UAH. The whole list is here: And as usual, when you need to buy/sell or exchange...
  3. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    Dear community, We are ready with most of the basic platform functionality. Before we start adding advanced features, we want to add some more exchanges to our comparison. Do you know any good ones that are currently missing @ ExchangeRates.Pro? Please let us know and we'll add those ASAP. Thanks!
  4. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    Dear friends! We were working hard on exchange profiles and it's finally ready We welcome you to check the information about each and every exchange we support — everything from the clients' testimonials to the rating breakdown. ⚡ Also: supported countries; fees and limits the service has...
  5. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    Last update fixed some bugs & added new features, mostly important: you can reset amount entered without reloading the page extended information about KYC at supported exchanges filters @ cryptocurrencies profiles allowing you to find the ones you are...
  6. ExchangeRatesPro

    ExchangeRates.Pro: Dash & other Cryptos price comparison in 255 countries!

    Dear DASH & Crypto community! We invite you all to try out early but a handy ;) version of ExchangeRates.Pro: the one and only cryptocurrency price comparison in 255 countries! What makes ExchangeRates.Pro so special: We compare prices of ~300 exchanges, adding new ones almost daily. All...
  7. ExchangeRatesPro

    NEW Forum MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Please Read & Reply

    Hi everyone! I represent a price comparison platform/app supporting DASH and 33 other cryptocurrencies. Hope it will be useful for the community :cool:
  8. ExchangeRatesPro

    How To See If Your VPN Is Leaking Your IP Address (And How To Stop It)

    Right. I can only add that it's important to check if the website shows WEBRTC information, etc. Some websites that were good few years ago don't support all the modern technologies
  9. ExchangeRatesPro

    Вопросы от новичка (или что непонятно новичку)

    Если речь про core клиента, то скорее всего недостаточно пиров добавлено. Нужно зайти на любой блок эксплорер, посмотреть какие пиры онлайн сейчас, и добавить в конфиг себе их айпишники.