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  1. Positive Peggy

    Dash Mobile Apps

    Well, unfortunately, I keep getting "address error" message on Binance.
  2. Positive Peggy

    Dash Mobile Apps

    On the android wallet, it only gives options to "Request Coins" or to "Send Coins". Once I chose the Request coins option, then your solution worked. But I never would have found it on my own. Thank you so much for your help!
  3. Positive Peggy

    Dash Mobile Apps

    DASH wallet for Android
  4. Positive Peggy

    Dash Mobile Apps

    I can't figure out how to transfer my DASH from binance to my DASH wallet. The wallet only gives me the QR display - not the cryptic address. Binance on my desktop only wants the cryptic address, it doesn't offer me a choice to scan a QR code. Can anyone help with this?
  5. Positive Peggy

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello fellow DASHers! It's wonderful to be in the world of cryptocurrencies and I"m so happy that I found DASH right away! I work at a church and hope to learn how DASH can be used to fund our missionaries around the world, and how those missionaries can supply DASH to the communities they...