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  1. scratchy

    DCG Q3 2024 Financials

    what a waste on aws.. im finally out here now.. this is going nowhere except to dust.
  2. scratchy

    Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

    - Where did you find thos HighPerformance nodes on dashninja? Edit: Found it, its MNT and not ninja, would be nice to see it in ninja as well! - Whats the advantage running an Evo / HighPerformance Node? I dont find documentation about it, but maybe would decide to set one up.. - Whats...
  3. scratchy

    Forum Restoration (+ why does it look so different?)

    man this is now weeks... This forum looks like a spam webseite... since weeks
  4. scratchy

    Dash Core v18.1 Release Announcement

    very wow. So much feature.
  5. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q4 2021 Quarterly Call - 3 February 2022

    when is dash Platform released?
  6. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q3 2021 Quarterly Call - 21 October 2021

    looking at i found in UdjinM6 kicked out a lot of people. From UdjinM6 i...
  7. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q3 2021 Quarterly Call - 21 October 2021

    happy new year.. so we havet january.. whats the progess? detailed information would be awesome
  8. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q3 2021 Quarterly Call - 21 October 2021

    Maybe i should start about my personal opinion/what i personally would expect to how a roadmap shoud look like and how they should maintained: - It should have a timeline - The timeline should be devided into windows - Tasks should identifyable with single keywords - A Roadmap should only go...
  9. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q2 2021 Quarterly Call - 22 July 2021

    Thats what i already discovered in sadly my images are offline now. But before stuff was shifting over quarters already.. Is there real development going on?
  10. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q1 Quarterly Call - 22.04.2021

    Dont get me wrong, im a Software dev as well and can understand the complexity and fully understand that there is and can be delays. But what i feel is that buzz words are just copied from one slide to another. I didnt heared any words about the delays.. but maybe i just missed them? Also...
  11. scratchy

    Dash Core Group Q1 Quarterly Call - 22.04.2021

    Comparing Q3-2020 Call Roadmap with Q1-2021 Call Roadmap Just makes me feel very sad.. it seems stuff is just shifting quarter over quarter..
  12. scratchy

    Dash Core v0.16.1.1 has been released

    Any progress updates? Q1 is almost over..
  13. scratchy

    [] Dash Masternode Ninja - Free Masternode Monitoring

    i love dashninja since the start ! Thanks for this awesome project still my number 1 :)
  14. scratchy

    Dash 101 - Deutsch

    und waren deine eltern schlau?
  15. scratchy


    Gibts mittlerweile einen Anbieter für Kreditkarten in DE? würde gerne on the fly alles mit dash bezahlen..
  16. scratchy

    Restore wallet can't select file darkcoin_wallet_backup_2014-xx-xx Not working

    interesting topic.. i feel theres people now getting awake because of the latest exchange rate :D
  17. scratchy

    Dash Core v0.16.1.1 has been released

    Impressive, thats what i was waiting for 5 years ! A light in the end of the tunnel... even though the ROI was also good. Good Job!
  18. scratchy

    Dash Core v0.16.1.1 has been released

    when are the usernames coming for dash?..
  19. scratchy

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    is moo alive? didnt saw any actions from him since years..