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  1. B

    WTS 500w Violet High Powered Laser

    is 500mW Standard laser is 5mw. Your is 500mw, so 100x a standard USA laser
  2. B

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    This is what I saw
  3. B

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I laugh when people say that they'll just clone the source and make the next big coin... Newsflash: This idea has been tried and failed. The 'dev' of 'ecash' (darkcoin clone) was an absolute joke. The last few pages are of the poor chums...
  4. B

    Rebranding Followup

    DASH rolls off the tongue nicely. DIST sounds like Linux Distro. Either way I really like both names. It would be nice to have a something like a Google Sheets form to anonymously submit names which get added to a public poll (not saying majority is the best for deciding a brand, but could be...
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    Rebranding Followup

    The coin is definitely optional. I thought adding a "-coin" to the end would work well because the abbreviation would be DTC(similar to BTC) instead of just DST. I'm really thinking hard about this name. It has to be something that relates why darkcoin stands out from the other coins. Darkcoin...
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    Rebranding Followup

    Darkcoin is great, but is there anything register for DISTcoin? Decentralized Intelligent Swift Transaction coin?
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    Rebranding Followup

    I'm sure you're fun at parties. I was merely going to suggest that if you have a vested interest in DRK that you keep your negative nancy mouth shut in an important rebranding thread. Meanwhile I'm providing worthwhile discussion... go ahead and ban the hand that feeds you
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    Rebranding Followup

    What is next to expect with vertoe being mad? Is vertoe still with Darkcoin?
  9. B

    What's in a name? ...or, is a rose by any othername worth the trouble?

    as I said in the other thread, Why not call it, DST-Coin Decentralized Swift Trade - Coin or Decentralized Intelligent Swift Trade - Coin What we want is to be next to BTC in the orderbooks, so have it be named DTC. for either DISTcoin or DSTCoin DTC/BTC BTC/DTC
  10. B

    Rebranding Followup

    Why not call it, DST-Coin Decentralized Swift Trade - Coin or Decentralized Intelligent Swift Trade - Coin The name is not taken, and it fits with the Darkcoin. Any thoughts? :oops::rolleyes::cool: DTC/BTC BTC/DTC