Search results

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    android vs IOS development

    I vote for Android! It is very convenient and fast, IMO.
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    p2p mail or messenger

    I also was sure that it is safe before reading the comments above... :(
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    How to Become a Microsoft Certified Professional

    It is not so hard as it seems. You just need to pass successfully the exams in Microsoft:cool:
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    How to reduce Website loading speed?

    Very helpful tips. Thanks a lot!
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    New rising

    From your mouth to God's ears!
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    Best Safe Bitcoin Wallets for 2019

    You are absolutely right! Be careful, guys!
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    Mining conference and all other cryptocurrency

    Was it finished already?
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    What's Going on at Dash?

    Great job! Keep up doing good news, guys!
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    Best Safe Bitcoin Wallets for 2019

    Me too, hope these feedbacks are real and the wallets are truly worthwhile.
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    Dash Mobile Apps

    I heard a lot of positive feedbacks about this wallet.
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    Best Safe Bitcoin Wallets for 2019

    Do you have any list of such wallets? Or the list is available on the internet?
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    Dash Mobile Apps

    What wallet do you use yourself?
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    Binance - The largest cryptocurrency exchange - Trade without verification

    Thanks for the link! Will definitely check it.
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    RFC: Dash Electrum vision and roadmap

    I think it's a very useful and great feature for Dash development.
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    Binance - The largest cryptocurrency exchange - Trade without verification

    I think yes, it's a good and trustworthy exchange. Did you hear that they accept fiat now?
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    Dash Pages - Tools, Docs, Block Explorers, Masternodes, ...

    Just was seeking for the full info about the project. Thanks a lot, great job!
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    The Birth Of Darkcoin

    Awesome story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
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    Dash Mobile Apps

    Thank you for this useful post!
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    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello all! I glad to be here. Hope to deepen my knowledge on cryptocurrencies at large.