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  1. R

    4k MNs Check your EVOnodes

    and what about regular Masternodes? same?
  2. R

    Is there a way to avoid pose banned?

    Hi! Is there a way to completely avoid Pose Banned in your Masternode? Or is it a normal thing to happen once in 2 months for example?
  3. R

    dashd down

    so do I need to get server with more SSD?
  4. R

    dashd down

    I have noticed one error below options: and debug.log says the same issue: but my server details are: 4 GB RAM and 50 GB SSD
  5. R

    dashd down

    thank you for the reply! there are no errors or issues, reindexing just doesn't go. maybe it would be better if I will downgrade dashd version? to what version it would be better to downgrade dashd and how can I do this?
  6. R

    dashd down

    Hey! I was setting up a Zeus Masternode v18.2.1 and synchronization with blockchain cannot be done for some reason. I see that dashd is down. What can be the problem and how can I solve this?
  7. R

    Needed amount of Dash for the masternode

    Hi! I heard that the amount of the dash will be different to run a node. Is this true? If so, what is the new needed amount, and will old masternodes with 1000 dash work? Thank you.
  8. R

    Change transaction

    Hi! What does S and U mean in the dash explorer? Thank you!
  9. R

    Change transaction

    Thank you for the answer! My ledger live and firmware are the newest versions and I still can't do transactions with my changed funds. It doesn't work for me with DashMasternodeTool (a lot of errors), even though I have the newest version. Could you please give me a link where can I install Dash...
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    Change transaction

    Hello! I was trying to send the amount of dash from my address to another address (in ledger live desktop app). This amount was send to the right address but the rest of my funds was send to change address. Now I can't make transactions with my funds which were send to the change address...
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    protx update_service. protx-dup issue

    Thank you for the help!
  12. R

    protx update_service. protx-dup issue

    What can be the problem if I do protx update service, write feeSourceAdress and output says that there is no funds on it, but there are funds?
  13. R

    protx update_service. protx-dup issue

    I have version18.1. I will doublecheck everything! Thank you for the answer!
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    protx update_service. protx-dup issue

    Yes, I followed these instructions. Maybe problem is in dashd version? I have zeus and 18.0.1 version. Is it updating automatically or do I need to do something?
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    protx update_service. protx-dup issue

    Hello! I am trying to recover my masternode with protx update_service help. But when use it in debug console it says "protx-dup (code 18) (code -26)". How can I fix this?
  16. R

    Pose banned and rewards

    Thank you for answer! Glad to hear it!
  17. R

    Pose banned and rewards

    Thank you for your answer! I will follow your instructions
  18. R

    Pose banned and rewards

    Hello! Does anyone know why masternode regulary keep getting Pose Banned status, I fix this with "protx register_prepare" and it works but then right before getting reward in gets Pose Banned again...and I haven't received any reward so far because of that issue..
  19. R

    Pose Banned. bad-protx-operator-payee

    Hello! I am trying to recover my node from Pose Banned to Enabled again. I try protx update_service, but output says "bad-protx-operator-payee". How can I fix that? Thank you.