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  1. S

    Warning:Charlie lee with Innosilicon cheated Miners

    I'm amazed anyone would buy from them again.. I told them so on Twitter a number of times
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    I Promised to correct my Baikal posts if things changed.

    Minimum order level for giant b was 6. So don't order from that website. Baikal doesn't take dash or bitcoin.. Only USD wire
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    I Promised to correct my Baikal posts if things changed.

    That's not Baikal.. They are sold out on both models and no pre sales are currently happening
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    I Promised to correct my Baikal posts if things changed.

    Just FYI.. Engineer friend of mine getting 2nd batch this week.. He received DHL tracking on Thursday.. Cheers and Merry Christmas
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    Baikal Giant + ordering problems?

    I said I would clear this up when order came in and they did in early December.. They were delayed by a couple months, but I got them and very profitable.
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    Baikal Giant + ordering problems?

    Yes I did.. Thank you for asking. And I placed order for the Giant B.. I thought I cleared it up on another thread.. but for anyone who reads this.. They are legit although unorthodox in communicating. I've heard from engineer friend he's receiving his order for Batch 2 this week.. DHL...
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    I Promised to correct my Baikal posts if things changed.

    First batch that I paid for in early September... That's why there was a lot of questioning and frustration. Nearly two months later than originally scheduled.
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    I Promised to correct my Baikal posts if things changed.

    Alright. So some of you or many may have read my rantings about the Baikal sales process, delays, and communications. I said if I was wrong, I would post a retraction. I'm wrong. I didn't get spoofed or scammed .. All of my miners arrived today in good order. Once I have one set up I can...
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    Update to Baikal X10 order

    Update: 12/7. Tracking number sent today. I will send out more information when they arrive .. fingers crossed.
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    Update to Baikal X10 order

    Update: Given expectation by contact product shipping on 12/2.. Never received tracking.. Emailed multiple times and Skype.. No response. I'm sure I'm wearing them out, but with others getting their product.. very frustrating.
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    Update to Baikal X10 order

    Just an update for any buyers or potential buyers. Baikal has been somewhat responsive about status on the shipments of miners. All I can say is that the loooong wait from ordering to getting product is dubious. It went from late Oct ship.. then mid Nov ship.. then one last email saying all...
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    Baikal giant X10 best pool/algo

    I'm not sure how to respond to your direct message.. but that's pretty cool and I will be happy to watch and support you.
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    Baikal giant X10 best pool/algo

    By the way.. I know the DGB pool difficulty has really gone up.. but Nice Hash is still ranking the Baikal the best profiting miner.. low to mid $30 per day
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    Baikal giant X10 best pool/algo

    Do you mind me asking if you got direct from Baikal? If so ... did they provide you the tracking. ? I've been corresponding with them and a guy says mine was supposed to ship today.. which is odd since it's a saturday..but what do I know it's Hong Kong. And do you have the name of the...
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    What to do with D3

    At this point.. There's only a couple of choices.. unload it at a loss on ebay.. craigslist.. Use it as a space heater.. Or you could just mine Dash at a loss for a few years.. play the long game and hope to cash in one day. I have a friend who did that with litecoin (mined at a loss) and...
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    New BAIKAL X10 10 gh miner

    Oh I agree.. I'm sure the difficulty will change like they did with Dash.. but there's a limited number sold and the next batch is full 45 days out. So I'm hoping to make some "Coin" while I can... I remember when D3 could make $120k per year.. that lasted all of a month and dropped 50% and...