Search results

  1. Green Candle

    (Pre) DASH is the first cryptocurrency to land into Portuguese instore payments (500 locations)

    Did someone request the escrow fairy?? please send an email to [email protected] we have reviewed this project and would be very happy to help bring this to the network and fix any of the issues that come up during the due diligence phase. Looking forward to your email!
  2. Green Candle

    Tristar Gym - 1 year sponsorship

    Tristar Gym - 1 year sponsorship TL;DR: Dash has an opportunity to join Monster Energy, Reebok, and as a premier sponsor of Tristar Gym. Firas Zahabi (Tristar founder) has become widely known as being the person who has introduced a lot of notable MMA fighters into...
  3. Green Candle

    [Pre-Proposal] DashBoost - Funding Small Projects By Sub-DAO

    We are really excited to bring Dash Boost to the network in combination with the idea of the GreenCandle GrantCenter we have partnered with Pasta and his team to bring this idea to fruition. This proposal can be found here: If you have any questions...
  4. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    Thanks for your support! We are live!
  5. Green Candle

    [Pre-Proposal] DashBoost - Funding Small Projects By Sub-DAO

    Great discussion here and we would like to add a few things for full transparency. Firstly Rion we didn't realize you may have been the one that did get this grass roots type effort going perhaps before or after Martin Rue, so to Martin and Rion thank you very much for that ground work...
  6. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    We have really enjoyed working with the team at Colibit. Ronald and Rafael have done a great job and have shown a lot of commitment to this project. They are excited to put this back to the voters with the improvements requested. We hope to have this proposal launched and back into the voters...
  7. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    We are working on getting some better coverage for you guys. Here is something to keep you busy... Have a look at Rory's Twitter
  8. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    We have stated many times but will again for clarity. All excess funds generated by the proposal will be held in trust by GreenCandle until a legal opinion is provided on the taxable obligations. We will then provide an update with total costs and disclose any excess funds generated. The...
  9. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    We agree and have adjusted this already in the above ask. We will finalize calculating the 30 DMA up to current tomorrow and have a better idea of that number for you guys. Really appreciate the help and professional discussion on Discord. That is a really great resource for the community! Shout...
  10. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    After the discussion on discord we will move forward if we have support with the 30 DMA from the proposal submission day! We will take the time to put this together but let's save that discussion for another thread. We realize this is very important to break down for everyone but honestly it's...
  11. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    We really feel this month is a great month to bring this forward and want to work with the MNO's to slam dunk this one for them as an early Christmas present. Rory wants nothing to do with the dirty fiat. He want's all the D's. You stop! You don't want to see the idea's when we get excited!
  12. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    Dash for the Belt TL;DR GreenCandle is proud to present a unique and exciting opportunity to gain massive exposure to a crypto-friendly target demographic during a special primetime event on a major TV network. On January 18, SpikeTV is re-branding to Paramount Network (owned by Paramount...
  13. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    Looking forward to the discussion and voting on this project.
  14. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal: Dash Aerosports - Promoting Dash to 200,000 People

    Dash Aerosports - Promoting Dash to 200,000 People Hi, I’m Scott Farnsworth. AKA DashRacer. I am a Dash masternode Owner. If you read my proposal 6 months ago, you know I made Dash Nation a rather outrageous promise that if I got funded, I’d slap my airplane's nose to tail with Dash...
  15. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash

    We are trying to work out a standard pricing structure for what the escrow levels we handle will be and what the fees and reporting requirements will be for each level as well.
  16. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash

    We would be happy to help if the Community see's the value in this.
  17. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    Feel free to email us we would be happy to help if the Dash community sees the need for escrow on this proposal.
  18. Green Candle

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    If you would like to submit an email to [email protected] and introduce yourself we would be happy to start exploring the due diligence process.
  19. Green Candle

    Proposal: GB ATM and POS Infrastructure

    We got goose bumps reading, "We will make Dash a first class citizen on our cryptocurrency platform and enable full DASH support on all our products. This will help increase real-world Dash adoption as the InstantSend technology is really ideally suited for this type of application. (ATM and...