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  1. kingcolex

    Electrum Wallet Guides

    Is there a pi version of electrums Dash as it seems Windows is struggling with the trezor plugin with electrums.
  2. kingcolex

    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner

    Quite exciting to see a real asic for Dash out, it definitely solidifies Dash as a long term currency.
  3. kingcolex

    PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DR-1 Hashrate 500MH/s @320w Weighs 4.5kg

    Well actually the prototype sticks had FPGA chips on them and wolf0 promised that they were impossible to work as it couldn't due the 11 algorithms or something to that sense. This means this would have to have come from a whole different fabrication or set up.
  4. kingcolex

    Physical Drkcoin (dash) need to make private key

    I saw that, so I am not sure on what to do.
  5. kingcolex

    Physical Drkcoin (dash) need to make private key

    This is what I am trying to do, I can generate the key no problem but I guess its the font and style i need, I was essentially looking for a template.
  6. kingcolex

    Physical Drkcoin (dash) need to make private key

    Okay so I have bought a physical Drkcoin and wanted to make a Dash wallet on it, it is a simple DIY kit but I was just wondering if anyone knows how to make the disc private keys for these wallets? I don't want to mess it up, I could make a regular wallet through walletgenerator but what format...
  7. kingcolex down?

    Yes, Theymos has stated that there was someone who tricked the server isp into gaining access and he noticed them about 30 minutes in and pulled the server down. It will be down for 30-60 hours.
  8. kingcolex

    Trezor for Darkcoin

    I noticed something about encompass when I ran it with my Bitcoin wallet, it did two things weirdly 1: it was missing a whole coin worth 2: It had made new addresses that were definitely not my trezors This had led me to believe that it is only somewhat integrated with trezor, the other...
  9. kingcolex

    My DASH photo-bank (unofficial)

    I might have to make one of these my wallpaper on my mining rigs.
  10. kingcolex

    Wanting to Build Dedicated Mining Rig

    Well that is going to increase the price by around 50$ if you don't count mail in rebates, I have a bit of trouble occasionally but have been able to solve it mostly through a couple reboots and plugging the monitor into that gpu until recognized.
  11. kingcolex

    will operating system make much difference

    Good to hear it worked! Yeah I didn't think 8 was the issue as I have had a good success rate with it.
  12. kingcolex

    will operating system make much difference

    Do you know what driver version you were using previously? It might be a lower hashrate due to the newer drivers.
  13. kingcolex

    will operating system make much difference

    What bin files are you using? I have been using 8.1 or 8 for my mining rigs and have no issue.
  14. kingcolex

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    How hard would it be to implement Trezor in the Dash core wallet? Would it be possible?
  15. kingcolex

    Fitting extenders (1x to 16x) in a standard mid case?

    Anyone have experience on fitting gpu's with risers into a standard sized case or should one just splurge a bit extra on mobos with more 16x slots?
  16. kingcolex

    Wanting to Build Dedicated Mining Rig

    Case : Mobo: PSU...
  17. kingcolex

    Wanting to Build Dedicated Mining Rig

    Yeah and the 280x is essentially a little beefier 7970, hopefully they clean house and we can snag these great cards on the cheap. and yes I will compile a bit of a list.
  18. kingcolex

    Wanting to Build Dedicated Mining Rig

    Well I have been looking at 7970's mostly for the most hash for the buck, if you're lucky you can secure them for around .4 btc each, but they need to be wanting to unload them quickly so be ready to put into escrow asap.
  19. kingcolex

    Bitcoin Core Developer Commits to 20MB Block Size by March, 2016

    Good for bitcoin, now if they can just not fight over it and allow it they will get some progress done.