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  1. Dash-Boarder

    Help finalizing a proposal?

    all set... thanks for the guidance and help.
  2. Dash-Boarder

    Help finalizing a proposal?

    Yep... I have done that too. :)
  3. Dash-Boarder

    Help finalizing a proposal?

    About 8-10 hours ago... Thx.
  4. Dash-Boarder

    Help finalizing a proposal?

    I created the proposal (on DashCentral). - The "gobject submit 0 1 ......" code was generated. - I pasted and transmitted into the Dash Console. - My 5 DASH were transmitted successfully. - I received the TX ID and posted in DashCentral to finalize the submission process. Now, I do not see it...
  5. Dash-Boarder

    Dash Dashboard: Big Data, Analytics, Charts, AI

    This proposal goes live in a couple of days, but wanted to get the conversation moved from the Pre-Proposal Forum. TLDR: Centralize into a single site ( all of the charts, tools, analytics into a single location so that we can unleash modern day computing (i.e. Machine...
  6. Dash-Boarder

    DashRadar development thread

    Very nicely done! I am working on a Treasury proposal to do something for exchange data and sentiment data. More of a global dashboard of what is going on in the DASH world - one stop location for all big data and more. No plans to integrate transaction related...
  7. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    Current work in progress: (site still under development but provides a tangible idea of what is proposed). Created site so MNO's could get a idea of what I was talking about and skill with which it will be done
  8. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    I have current work in progress: (site still under development but provides a tangible idea of what is proposed) to demonstrate the capabilities...:) Please provide any additional feed back - I appreciate it.
  9. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    Current work in progress: (site still under development but provides a tangible idea of what is proposed). On a day like today, where the overall market was crushed (for a while) ;), the demo of the "Dash" board was lighting up like a Christmas tree... To build...
  10. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    Yes, I am working on a BETA version of the site so that it is a much more tangible project/proposal that all can see prior to the actual proposal. And, so that the "ownership" of the code/project can be proven/demonstrated.... ;)
  11. Dash-Boarder

    Proposal Discussion

    Thanks for the feedback everyone... I am working on a "proof of concept" with the website that will be tangible evidence of what the end result will be... I am confident that will get more traction was available in a few weeks. ;)
  12. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    Thanks for the feedback... I think funding the first few phases may be an option pending additional feedback.
  13. Dash-Boarder

    [Pre-Preposal]: "Dash"- Board - Live Charts, Analysis, Data (Updated)

    Dashboard Treasury Proposal: ( We love the De-Centralized nature of BlockChain/Crypto, but hate Decentralized Data and Information. Proposal is to create a centralized “DASH” web site (see current demo for a view of proposal) that enables custom charts and...
  14. Dash-Boarder

    Proposal Discussion

    I am working on a proposal for the Dash Treasury for next month... At the cost of 5 DASH, it is getting pricey in USD. If a proposal is not approved, does it roll to the next voting period? Or, does a new proposal need to be made for the next period.... Anyone know?
  15. Dash-Boarder

    Dash Dashboard

    At the moment I am attempting to reach a consensus and build support for the resource. So, look for additional positive feedback in addition to yours. With development costs, hosting + management, marketing for site for initial year would be ~150 Dash. I think 1 year funding would be a...
  16. Dash-Boarder

    Dash Dashboard

    Thanks for the encouragement CarlosJem... To answer your question: Traders could use my proposed site as a tool. However, I imagine there are many other arbitrage tools available to those looking to make money with that endeavor. I am suggesting a resource for all members of the...
  17. Dash-Boarder

    Dash Dashboard

    Idea for my proposal "Dash Dashboard" -> My pre-proposal: As the community evolves and product matures, I propose we have our own “Dash” Board website for all price exchange data (live and historical). I would propose a site that leverages the API’s of main exchanges (and other sources) to...
  18. Dash-Boarder

    A proposal now costs over $3,000

    Agreed with the sentiment of the thread... The threshold for submitting a proposal should be lower. In most communities, you want to encourage behavior and not dis-incentivize. Not all great ideas have money behind them... and a mechanism to surface them all should be the goal...