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  1. DASH Trujillo

    DASH presence in "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology: The new global governance"

    Hi, thanks for your comment. In effect, we want to take advantage of the space of this event to make this technology known and supported, since the economic aspects, the legal framework and the technological development will undoubtedly be addressed, thus achieving the presence of DASH highly...
  2. DASH Trujillo

    DASH presence in "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology: The new global governance"

    Hello DASH Community, we are live in Dashboost! We have your support to be present in this event of technological innovation in which DASH can not miss, it is a great opportunity for DASH since they will be representatives of different sectors which will allow to expand the crypto and...
  3. DASH Trujillo

    DASH presence in "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology: The new global governance"

    Hi @Juan Baró . Yes, it is definitely an opportunity for DASH to make itself known in this event before the representatives of the different sectors such as the economic, political, cultural, technological and social. Regards,
  4. DASH Trujillo

    DASH presence in "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology: The new global governance"

    Project summary Hi DASH Community! With this proposal we want to increase the presence of DASH in Venezuela in a joint work of DASH Trujillo and DASH Lara, through a DASH representation as a premium sponsor in the first edition of "COCMUN 2018: Innovation and Technology new global governance...
  5. DASH Trujillo

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Update! Hello everyone, we are listed in you can check and support us. Greetings from Trujillo.
  6. DASH Trujillo

    Dash Trujillo

    Update! Hello everyone, here is a summary of our meetup at ULA-NURR. Greetings from Trujillo.
  7. DASH Trujillo

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Due to the limitation of files per post, we decided to make the publication in 2 parts. Despite the fact that certain improvised events prevented the arrival of several more guests to the event, the meetup took place successfully. Thanks! Greetings from Trujillo. Post 2/2 Photos of those...
  8. DASH Trujillo

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Meetup Report. Event website: Location: Universidad de Los Andes "Núcleo Universitario Rafael Rangel". La Concepción, Pampanito, Trujillo, Venezuela. Sumary: The Meetup was carried out with success in Trujillo...
  9. DASH Trujillo

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Today! Soon we will show you the results ;)
  10. DASH Trujillo

    Dash Trujillo

    Update! Hello Community DASH, Here the design of our shirts and cards. Front. Back. Arm. Front. Back. Happy day to everyone. Regards,
  11. DASH Trujillo

    Pre-Proposal: 1st DASH Conference Trujillo Venezuela 850.000+ people!!

    Update! Greetings to all, here the design of our shirts and cards. Front. Back. Arm. Front. Back. Text: "The civil, military, religious and ecclesiastical authorities are thanked to provide the greatest contribution to the bearer of this card." Ready to start our project. Happy...
  12. DASH Trujillo

    DASH Trujillo Venezuela

    Saludos, Venezuela por supuesto. Queremos que esto continue, que dicha adopcion sea rapida y masiva, tenemos varios proyectos a desarrollar aqui en nuestra region y a nivel nacional con miras a esto. Esperamos contar con el apoyo de ustedes para lograr esto. Gracias por comentar.
  13. DASH Trujillo

    DASH Trujillo Venezuela

    Hola a todos, DASH continua expandiéndose en el País. En este caso en el Estado Trujillo. Un paso mas en la expansión de esta cripto en una alianza Ganar-Ganar donde desarrollaremos proyectos en tanto en Pro de DASH como del desarrollo socioeconomico de nuestro estado y del país. Los...
  14. DASH Trujillo

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello DASH Community, I am here in representation of our DASH Trujillo community, from now on, I will make some post and updates of our projects to keep you informed. Projects in favor of the DASH ecosystem and contributing to Venezuela becoming the first DASH Nation! Regards,