Search results

  1. MinNOw

    Pre-Proposal:Promote Dash with free t-shirt and polo shirt

    This threat makes me think of an idea for crypto conferences and the like. Have T-shirts with logos and website made up, but people would register to get the shirt and a "chance to win" some amount of Dash. Winners would be picked at random based on sightings of the shirt over the duration of...
  2. MinNOw

    What did you like the Best thing about dash?

    I love that Dash continued with the original promise of Bitcoin. Peer to peer digital cash. Many of the problems I could see in Bitcoin from the beginning have been improved, and Dash continues to innovate. Dash's combination of being fast, easy. widely accepted, and secure make it very...
  3. MinNOw

    Feature request, new thread notifications.

    Browser notifications is a thing now too. I have no idea how they work at this time, but seems like those could be very helpful.