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  1. Nmilanov

    Hashing Speeds

    No worries, this is running on Windows 64 bit, with the sg miner 4.1.0 and drivers 14.4!
  2. Nmilanov

    Hashing Speeds

    Hey darkhawk, here's the setting I am using - "-g 2 -w 256 --intensity 18 --lookup-gap 2 --thread-concurrency 10481". The overclocking is done with MSI Afterburner 3.0 Beta 19. Hope I'd helped :)
  3. Nmilanov

    Is down?

    Hi, and - can't seem to get work from there. These are my main pools and I just sit and wait...
  4. Nmilanov

    Day Traders

    Yep, it's kind of auto/manual thing, more or less.
  5. Nmilanov

    Day Traders

    No, there's no bot involved, you manually adjust the sell/buy options you desire. In the "Trade" section, under the graphs there are two columns BUY and SELL. You can manually set 5 darks for sale, not on the current price, but on a price you think that would be present in two hours time. Vice...
  6. Nmilanov

    Day Traders

    In Cryptsy you can set a desired price for buy/sell purchases and when it hits the price/quantity you entered it auto sells/buys and goes to your account.
  7. Nmilanov

    Day Traders

    Indeed, I used 1 DRK for the training and was pleased by the result. Just be sure - you will feel like a zombie, after an hour or two staring at the monitor and refreshing.
  8. Nmilanov

    Hashing Speeds

    Nice hash speeds! I'm currently thinking of adding a 280x under my 270x, is it possible to run into some isses? gpu-threads:2, on my 270x at the moment. Couldn't find any usable info about pairing 270x and 280x.
  9. Nmilanov

    Hashing Speeds

    GPU MINING Graphics card: MSI R9 270X HAWK 2G (1245 MHz core, 1500 MHz memory, no voltage increased) fan 50% with temps of 45-48 Celsius, cool room Mining Software: sgminer 4.1 Hash Speed: 1.48 Mh/s